More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't mean just here. I mean in accessing sites in general. For me, everything is sluggish this morning.

I'm wondering if the rapid thread of that downadup vorus is starting to impact on net connections...

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yes... that's my experience... it's like the pipelines are clogged.

I remember this happening in 2004 (?) when there were a couple of very widespread viruses that were sending out huge quantities of emails and basically dragging down net performance for everyone.


Account Closed
It's slow here too.

I heard something on the news a few months back that some internet companies were going to slow down the speed of the net during certain hours.

I don't know how true that is but I was assuming it may be a part of why the net is slowing down.


Yes, very slow here. I am glad it is not just me as I am not very good at manipulating the computer for virus scan and cleanup. I would like to do more but I just find it so confusing trying to follow the directions. I have automatic updates and scan and I did do an additional one. When I have time I will try again. :confused: Mari

Daniel E.
Ditto. In the last 24 hours, this site has been much slower than usual. I thought it was due to the apparently ongoing issues with the hosting company.

I haven't noticed such a difference at other sites. But I'm in America, of course :D

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Ditto. In the last 24 hours, this site has been much slower than usual. I thought it was due to the apparently ongoing issues with the hosting company.

I haven't noticed such a difference at other sites. But I'm in America, of course :D

The server is in Florida :p
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