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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Beyond therapy: Gemma Stone at TEDxCanmore - YouTube
Nov 12, 2013

Talk Overview
For over four decades, the message from psychotherapy outcome research has been getting louder and clearer: the theories and techniques of therapy have very little to do with therapeutic success. Yet, the general public does not know this information and many mental health clinicians don't either. It's time for the therapeutic world to go beyond 'techniques' and look deeply into what actually works in therapy. What works in therapy is how loved the client feels within the therapeutic relationship; yet, this isn't something this is discussed and clients often don't know that it matters. I've been in therapy since I was five years old, I've experienced many different types of therapy, and I have some funny and heart-warming stories to tell about it. On my search to find what works in therapy I ended up with a few degrees in psychology and now I'm a practicing registered psychologist. When I speak with my clients and other professionals about going beyond techniques in therapy, they concur that the world needs this information and it is truly an idea worth spreading. This talk is relevant everyone who watches TED; approximately 1 in 5 people will experience a mental illness in their lifetime and the remaining 4 will have a friend, family member or colleague who will. This stat is depressing, but I am determined that my talk won't be. This talk is all about being real, delivering quality information, touching hearts, and expanding minds.

Speaker Profile
I am a mother, psychologist, writer, friend, teacher, student, adventurer, and lover of life. I'm a truth-seeking Aries who is searching for peace and I'm excited to have actually found it ? most of the time, anyway. They say we teach the lessons we need to learn. That's my life story, summed up in a sentence. I've suffered and searched for answers to relieve my suffering. In order to learn my lessons I dove head first into university, post-graduate training, and continuing education. My formal training, degrees, certifications, and licenses range from clinical psychology, to life coaching, to yoga practice & philosophy. Today, my life is anchored in love, creativity & service. My life's work revolves around using the science of psychology to inspire myself and others to choose love over fear. I would be honored to share a piece of this message at TEDxCanmore.

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