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I guess I am the newbie. Stumbled on this site recently after realizing that my wife of many years is a narcissist, which, like a unified theory of physics, explains everything- our turbulent relationship, her family (3 generations of narcissists), her difficulty in friendships, the effect on my depression, etc. It is nice to have a forum to discuss these things. Oh yeah- I have a son with Aspergers syndrome too! Hopefully, I can help and comfort others, as well as being helped and comforted by the forum members.


Resident Canuck
:hithere: Raven! :welcome: to Psychlinks.

Glad you joined us.

There are quite a few articles on Narcissistic Personalties and also quite a bit on Asperger Syndrome too.

And of course resources to assist you with your depression.

Glad you joined us. We are a good group of people here.


Is your wife diagnosed with NPD or is it just a checklist you found online? Just asking because your son is diagnosed with Asperger's, I'm left wondering where it comes from. Asperger's in females can sometimes manifest itself into looking something like NPD.
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