Have you actually talked to Judy about those thoughts in particular. She might able to help you sort out what is real from what is not - especially if you confuse what people think about you and how you see your yourself.
We did touch on this, yes. My feeling now is that it's going to take a few sessions for the salience of it to surface in such a way as might be helpful. I think it is true that I confuse what I think people are thinking about me with what I see in myself. Or, sometimes, I think they are thinking the opposite about me than what I am thinking about myself. Then again, I don't really know what they are thinking, do I? Not to mention, does it matter what they're thinking? Food for "thought."
Then, when I told the landlady I was going to give notice on the 1st, she responded by evicting me. I don't have the energy to fight it. I know why she did it.
I need to address this. I really believe the only reason she put it this way is because she was afraid I would change my mind again. See, what happened is, I gave notice within the first two weeks after I moved here, when I found out the roommate was a speed freak. That was the landlady's nephew. Then she convinced me to stay - I guess because they might have trouble renting the place.
Then, on December 1st, I gave another thirty days notice and escaped up to the Village, mailing her the rent in a money order. That was after, I believe, he had threatened to kill me over something. He later told me I had misinterpreted him, and that he wasn't really going to kill me, but only knock the crap out of me.
This time I really wanted to leave, but since he was taking off for Indiana, he convinced me to stay, because the landlady's mother had died in October (whom he had been here to take care of, while she was on oxygen), which would mean that the landlady herself would be the only person in the house if I were to leave.
He had a point, so I stayed. I didn't want her to have to be in the house alone after her Mom died. That would have seemed uncompassionate of me.
The problem is, ever since that happened, all of her negativity seems to be aimed at me (instead of him.) The dynamic has changed. It's also occurred to me that she may be grieving, and so she is having more "negative" moments than usual. I want to be here for her, but I've gotten to the point where I can't take it anymore. I just saw a Craigslist add for a "large room" in a "huge house" in a WAY better location here in town, with a male housemate, and available March 1st. That would time out perfectly. I'd even be right on the bus line, instead of almost a mile away from the nearest bus stop.
So, my landlady worded the notice as an eviction and required both our signatures only because I had previously re-negged on two thirty days notices. She didn't want me to keep changing my mind. I can probably explain this to some future landlord, and if that person likes me well enough, and I have the cash on hand, I'll probably get the room, thinking positively.
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