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Hello everyone,

Does anyone know of a reliable, quick initial screening assessment that a GP or counsellor could use for accurately diagnosing depression in young teenagers, particularly males? I believe my fourteen year old son is probably trying to cope with some dysthymia (it is in our family). Perhaps assessments for self-understanding for teens, would be more helpful, as he definitely won't discuss his 'feelings' in a direct way with adults in general. So far, we are 'managing' with very occasional support from the school counsellor. However, I can see he is struggling with personal and academic issues that are growing over the past couple of years. He also has issues, and I believe unacknowledged emotional pain about his father, and myself, when our family was having some problems a few years ago.
The children and I have been living in our own house now for over three years and things have gotten better and better overall, for our daily living. There just seems to be this kind of depression with some of the stuff we went through, that my son is having. His Dad is now working out of the area and they don't see eachother much at all. I believe that my son probably wishes his dad was a little more like some of the other dad's he interacts with at various friends'. We are fortunate to have some wonderful and supportive friends.
Does anyone know of any current, teen books or teen magazines that might be helpful to my son?? Thanks.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
There is the Beck Depression Inventory (by Dr. Aaron Beck), which is fairly popular -- I think David Burns also has one in his book, Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, as well.

Just bear in mind that these are only rough screening tests. Both tend to overestimate the severity of the depression and the tiems are quite transparent on both, meaning it's easy to "fake good" or "fake bad". However, they're not bad for what they are.


Thank you. I'll look into those, and find out if our doctor is familiar with them.
Can anyone recommend any particular publications that cover teenage issues, particularly for males?
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