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I'm just curious if anybody does and what they think of them. Anxiety is a huge issue for me, but none of the medications I am on help. One of them, wellbutrin, significantly increases the anxiety I feel but it helps so much with my mood, that we seem to be at a dead-end, meaning mood wins out so I take the wellbutrin.

My SIL takes ativan, but she takes six or more at a time and seems quite dependant on them. Is this something I would have to worry about if I took it?
ativan is habit forming, so in my opinion you would want to be careful with that. i believe that if you do become dependent on it, that when you try to quit it makes the panic attacks worse (but you may want to do some research on this to verify that). taking an occasional one won't hurt though.

As an aside i read somewhere too that regular exercise can make a big difference for your anxiety - again something you may want to verify and look into.



I have been on many different medications for moods but about a year ago was prescribed a medication for my anxiety for the first time ever. I too always was given meds for moods as it was the more predominant issue over the anxiety. Anyway, I was given a low dose of Clonazepam with the instructions to take 1 daily as needed. I found in the beginning that some days I did need it and others I didn't. Most days now I do take it in the a.m. because work has become a huge anxiety trigger for me. When this happened and I started taking the one in the a.m. I would find that the odd time by the afternoon/evening that my anxiety would spike again for a variety of reasons. It was then that I went to my doctor and the prescription was changed to read take up to two daily as needed. I still most days only take one (on work days mostly, weekends I don't seem to need them as much) but I always have the option take another one if needed.

I find that they work really well for me and I honestly can't believe that I was never prescribed anxiety meds before a year ago. What a relief they have been.

For more information on anxiety medications you may want to check out this website that has some good information

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The reality is that, despite the concerns about addiction potential, for most anxiety disorders benzodiazepines are still the most effective medications.


l have terrible anxiety/panic issues and my PDOC is constantly warning me of the risk of addiction to Klonipin which l find really helps with the panic and anxiety. l only take it if l need it and she started me on Lamotrigine and was telling me that it worked wonders for "most if not all" of her patients and l have been on it now for about 4 months, and at every visit, l have told her, it has not helped me at all.
The last visit she told me to keep trying it to give it a chance to get in my system and work and so far nothing. The only thing she said to me was nothing worked for me as she sat at her desk writing.
l felt a bit sad thinking l was a hopeless case and she was giving up on me, so at my next visit, l am going to again tell her the medication is still not working and she is probably right, nothing is working for me.
l was on Topomax and l think it worked as l lost weight and seemed to think much clearer as l have "Mixed Personality Disorder" (which the PDOC) said is the hardest disorder to treat but was taken of the Topomax when l was starting to see black out of my peripheral vision.
l take Effexor and Seroquel regularly, with 100mg. Topomax at night along with the 200mg. Lamotrigine and Klonipin as needed.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Lamotrigine isn't usually used to treat anxiety per se, Michelle. It's normally used as a mood stabilizer, like Topamax.

I would question the statement "nothing works for you" for ANY patient. To me, all that really means is "I haven't yet found the right combination of medications for you".

Sometimes, especially for medication for panic disorder, less is more, depending on what other issues or conditions require medication.

Are you also receiving psychotherapy, especially CBT? I think the experience of most people with panic disorder is that medication alone will not "cure" you.


I take mirtazapine [anti-d which also helps with anxiety. efexor made it worse...]
I was on propranolol [beta blocker] prn for panic and anxiety, for about a year. But I managed to stop taking it though, with the help of therapy.


Yes, sorry you are right. The mood stabilizers are Topomax which worked much better and the Lamotrigine which l really don't find any change in myself. l have been on Effexor now for almost 2 1/2 at 300 mg. daily. The Dr. herself is moody at times and sometimes she says things that are not very nice and others she seems more understanding. ln such a rural area here in the Pontiac, she is the only Dr. that is available or else l would have asked for a referral a long time ago because l feel at times worse leaving her office then l did going in.
The lack of resources in rural areas is unfortunately a real and significant problem.

This is so true. :(

I do take anti-anxiety medication. Clonazepam is what I take, once a day before bed. I was taking it as per needed twice a day, but I felt too sleepy and disoriented on it during the day. I can really tell a difference if I accidentally miss a dose. My anxiety seems to go through the roof if I do.

chelles, I'm sorry your doctor doesn't seem to be more understanding. I hope you can get it worked out.


I take Xanax, as needed. I have a prescription for Xanax 1mg to be taken before sleep, but only take it when needed, and not necessarily before sleep. I take it when I feel my anxiety is interfering with what I need to do. This has worked very well for me, and I'm not particularly worried about the addiction end of things. I'm not an addictive personality, and don't tend to misuse.


I have been taking paxil for over 10 years now I am currently at the max doasage and it help but I still get panic attacks...I wanted to change to another med but due to some other issues I am not able to right now.


l was taken off the Lamotrigine yesterday as the mood stabilizer when the Dr. saw that it was obviously not helping my moods as l was a complete mess emotionally, (she is the one that said this drug was the miracle drug that worked wonders for all of her patients so far!!!) and l could not stop crying or shaking, so l am now working back up to the 400mg. of Topomax. l was on it before until l saw blackspots out of my peripheral vision after being on it for a long time but it did work very good for me and l lost weight also , another added benefit.
But yesterday, the Dr. finally realized after 4 months of being on that Lamotrigine, that l was not doing well no matter how many times l had called her office crying and saying l was having panic attacks or so depressed l was feeling suicidal or having severe flashbacks that this drug was not working.
My Therapist is coming to my next appointment with me in May and is also considering asking for a referral to another Psychiatrist in Hull, Quebec because l come out of the Dr.s office feeling so badly, l am in horrible shape the rest of the day and by chance the Therapist had an appointment with me after the Dr. yesterday and she was shocked to see the shape l was in emotionally and realized that l was not exaggerating how l felt. So hopefully, some good will come out of yesterday, which felt like the day from Hades......... l went for a nap, feeling emotionally exhausted at 5 pm and did not wake up until 2 am, which shocked me to sleep so long, so l got up took my night pills and went back to bed.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I'm sorry to hear what a difficult struggle all this has been for you, Michelle. The upside is you finally got someone to listen and your feelings have finally been validated.


braveheart said:
I take mirtazapine [anti-d which also helps with anxiety.
I have also found this medication to be surprisingly effective for anxiety. Do you find appetite increase to be a problematic side effect? I had to take an additional medication, Topamax, just to counteract the appetite increase, but it also got rid of my chronic headaches so it's turned out to be a really nice thing. I was just curious if you had experienced this too.


l was taken off the Lamotrigine yesterday as the mood stabilizer when the Dr. saw that it was obviously not helping my moods as l was a complete mess emotionally, (she is the one that said this drug was the miracle drug that worked wonders for all of her patients so far!!!) and l could not stop crying or shaking, so l am now working back up to the 400mg. of Topomax. l was on it before until l saw blackspots out of my peripheral vision after being on it for a long time but it did work very good for me and l lost weight also , another added benefit.
But yesterday, the Dr. finally realized after 4 months of being on that Lamotrigine, that l was not doing well no matter how many times l had called her office crying and saying l was having panic attacks or so depressed l was feeling suicidal or having severe flashbacks that this drug was not working.
My Therapist is coming to my next appointment with me in May and is also considering asking for a referral to another Psychiatrist in Hull, Quebec because l come out of the Dr.s office feeling so badly, l am in horrible shape the rest of the day and by chance the Therapist had an appointment with me after the Dr. yesterday and she was shocked to see the shape l was in emotionally and realized that l was not exaggerating how l felt. So hopefully, some good will come out of yesterday, which felt like the day from Hades......... l went for a nap, feeling emotionally exhausted at 5 pm and did not wake up until 2 am, which shocked me to sleep so long, so l got up took my night pills and went back to bed.

I'm so sorry that you haven't been doing well. I really empathize with you because I found that lamotrigine greatly destabilized me and sent me into a suicidal tailspin. I know it doesn't do this to the majority of people, but it seems like some are adversely affected. Can you perhaps get you appointment moved up to get some help sooner?


Hi Arose. No, no appetite increase or weight gain here with mirtazapine. Only a bit when I first started taking it. I simply put on what I'd lost with efexor, and being naturally underweight anyway, that was ok.


l have now been completely weaned off the Lamotrigine and have been taking the increases in Topomax and am up to 250mg. now going up again to the 400mg. and honestly you would not believe the change in me. l am back to my old self and l am able to handle stress and my moods are level. Topomax is the mood stabalizer, and it helps the Effexor, but the Lamotrigine, l am not sure if the Dr. was trying to sell it as she was getting suppliers giving it to her or what but l knew other patients that also were taking it having the same reactions l was and they kept on it but the way l was feeling, l had to fight to get off it, so that is why l went to my appointment on it to let her see the shape l was in and when she asked if l was lying or joking, l guess she realized maybe playing around with people's lives for the sake of the junk she passes off as a "miracle drug" is not really worth it if one is saying they feel suicidal. l mean l was going up and down so bad, l could not even leave the house and my daughter was starting to become very nervous around me because l was so unstable and l was either going to cry or become very irritable around her and it was only this week she told me l am back to my old self.

There is no way l will ever accept taking that stuff again, it just made me feel like was posessed or something. lt is very hard to describe other then to say, my moods were so bad l either wanted to kill myself or the anxiety got so bad, l had to take pills to make myself pass out.

But l am fine now and starting to cope with being my old self again one day at a time and thank you for your concern...

Just remember, if you had a bad experience with it, don't go back on it whatever you do, because it won't be good going back on it a second time around. l have never had such a bad reaction to a drug before in my life and l don't want to be a guinea pig to some company trying out a new drug and l end up paying the price for it.

Michelle xo


I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better Michelle!

Taking it one day at a time has definitely become my mantra...
I'm glad you're feeling better too. Sometimes it's tough to get doctors to listen. I think they want to attribute our symptoms to our disorders and not as side effects of medications. But sometimes medications can cause problems. That needs to be addressed in the medical community. Listening to patients and not brushing them off.
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