More threads by Eunoia


thanks Lana.
It’s when we try to hide and repress such feelings, that they tend to seep out, or spill at inappropriate moments. Essentially, that is when we’re least likely to be in control of our emotions and ourselves
that's so true, thinking that you're in control only to find yourself not so in control after all... I think I'm pretty good at keeping it "together" but I know how sometimes lectures on a certain topic can impact me or hearing about something/someone or just having people notice I'm not having such a great day- and I don't tend to let them help. I guess thinking that you have things in control makes sense out of this, you know? Like if I am in control then all of this must make sense and I must, after all, have a good life, and I should be happy. I realized today that I have 3 choices:
1) do nothing but be happy about my life
2) stop the behaviours that I have to stop (on my own)
3) admit to problems and go get help
none of them seem too plausible or realistic or something that I'd want to do. but I have to do something.

will go read your's and David's books!!
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