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I just wanted to say that my therapy and my relationship with my T has gotten way better. I am more comfortable and feel more at ease. It has taken me a year and a half but I finally have reached that point (i think hehehe). I think it happened because I shared something very personal and scary for me. It just has made me so much more comfortable. I really like my T. Just wanted to share that and give hope to anyone who is doubting therapy. It gets better.


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Re: getting better

...I'm so happy to hear that Boi -thank you for telling us. I'm so happy and proud for you! :hug: :hug: :friends:


Resident Canuck
That is great news Boi. I am so happy to hear that. It sure is a good feeling when that happens!

:congrats: Boi. I am so proud of you!
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