Most of my waking hours have been with one thought in mind for the past 2 weeks...leave. I can't remember an hour in the past 2 weeks were I haven't thought of just quitting as I just am so tired and drained. I was out with my sister today on a highway and all I could think of was just opening the car door and jumping. I just do not want to be here. I don't want to struggle anymore. I don't want to live in this useless body full of pain anymore and most of all, I don't want to cry anymore. I told my family doctor months ago I needed to see a psychiatrist and all she said was "it could take months, a year even" and that was it. She left. I will call the replacement doctor tomorrow. I will tell him. I will give it one last try but that is about all I have left in me. I really do resent the way people are treated here in this province or rather not treated by the medical professionals. I can't go to the emerg at the psych hospital here, have such a full blown terror of that place. When I was around 12 someone I loved was beaten so severly and so this person cut their wrists and they were locked away in there for 6 months and it was an awful place back in 58. They made me go in there with them to visit the doctor and I was told if I opened my mouth and said anything that went on at home I would be locked away in there for good. I am so stupid to let that still scare me but I can't help it as I know what the other went through in there. I will just have to hope this new doctor will listen because I am barely hanging on right now, don't want to.