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We may have been given some inaccurate information on the telephone number for the mobile crisis service.

I just called them and they do offer 24 hour mobile service for mental health support and for help for people dealing with thoughts of suicide.

They will come to your home or to any other venue of your choosing, such as a restaurant etc. You might want to ask them to come to your home.

I spoke to the volunteer, who would be eager to visit you, when you call.

The correct number to call is (902) 429-8167

Keep yourself safe until we can get you connected to the right resources in Halifax.

Keep us posted on developments, and we will keep trying to get through the obstacles to help you.

Our thoughts are with you, Feisty!!



That mobile service that Steve referred to really sounds like a great resource. I hope that you can get in contact with them and get some much needed support.

Take it one moment at a time and you will make it through and don't forget that we are here for you :heart:
:hug: :hug:



During difficult times, we need the support and help of those around us who are willing to help.

During difficult times, out thinking may become distorted, and so we need to remain in contact with trusted friends, family and support systems.

Your friends on Psychlinks are available to provide you with support and direction.

The people who provide the mobile crisis service in Halifax are there to help and they are only a phone call away.

When I spoke to the volunteer, it was obvious the service is staffed by people who enjoy helping people in distress.

They are available for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Please call them as soon as possible. They can help because they are right there, and will come to you.


My sister has talked to the nurse of her psychiatrist and was told to bring me with her on Monday for her appointment, then the psychiatrist might be able to see me also. I hope so. My sister is also picking me up later to take out to her place for the weekend as my heart is so bad now I know I will have to go to emerg and she wants to take me. She said if I go through emerg I may get to see the specialist before a year like my GP told me. I just feel so bad having to bother my sister or anyone. As a child, if I got sick, I got yelled at "see, now I have to miss a whole days pay because of you, all you ever do is cause trouble, I wish you had died with your twin" so I see being sick as me being nothing but trouble. I don't want to be sick, I want to be well, both mentally and physically but when I get sick physically like this I make myself sick mentally, if that makes sense. I am so scared. I think I am trying to hang in, just trying to find that one thing to grab onto and hold tight to, even if it is just my old Raggedy Ann doll, hold onto something till I can do it on my own I guess. Thanks for all the help and support.


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Of course you want to be well Feisty. And what you are going through right now is very serious and deserves immediate attention. Remember that you are the adult now. It doesn't sound like your sister will treat you the same way as you were treated when you were a kid. And if you are treated unfairly, you can speak up. Your the adult and you deserve to be well and to be taken seriously.


I just feel so bad having to bother my sister or anyone.

... so I see being sick as me being nothing but trouble

Friends and family help one another in times of need. The way your family responded when you were ill as a child is dysfunctional, abnormal and downright cruel.

You must not allow distorted thinking to get in the way of your well being, and you must make every effort to get help.

Go with your sister to emergency, where you will be seen by someone who can help you.

No one will scold you in the emergency department of the hospital. The people working there are dedicated to helping you, and you must get yourself there as soon as possible.
ladylore has some good advice. You're an adult now and you don't have to listen to those old voices. I know it's hard to shut them out of your head, but you can do it. You're such a strong person I believe. You deserve to get help and support when you're sick. You deserve kindness and care. Please do what you need to do to get the help you need.


Re: Hanging on...barely---update

I just wanted to let you all know that I am still hanging in, not just hanging on barely, hanging in. I haven't been well the past couple of weeks with the 'heart' stuff. They have done ECG, am being hooked up with a portable monitor, etc. I have managed to grab onto something that has given me a wee bit of hope, a book I bought for .49 cents at a thrift store about a month ago. It is called Life Strategies by Dr. Phil and it is getting through the fog, somewhat! I will keep on reading, keep hanging in till I get my strength back. I just wanted to update and say thank you, thank you, thank you for being here for me when I needed it most. I am still depressed but not in that very, very dark place anymore.



You are so welcome but most of all I am glad to hear that you are hanging on and not in that really dark place anymore. That is absolutely great :)

I am glad too that you are getting your health concerns looked after as well :hug:

Take care and keep hangin on :D
:hug: :hug:
Keep fighting :)
You would have so many people missing you!! Think of your family and friends who truly do love you...
I hope you find something that helps you!!!
Alot of us have been there/ are there right now...just keep pushing forward :)
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