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I'm back after not posting on this thread for a while. I suppose this is because I've really improved overall and am back at work (1/2 days for now).

I've been on Cipralex for 4 weeks now (10 days at 10 mg and 20 days at 20 mg). The last 7 or 8 days I have felt pretty good each day with some days almost back to normal. I've also been working at keeping a journal and seeing a therapist in addition to the cipralex. I'm having some issues with sleep and am now taking Trazodone to help me get some normal sleep patterns established. It has worked well for a couple of nights but some nights I've woken several times and have felt off the next day (like I am today).

I'm wondering a bit about alcohol and caffeine. I've mostly stayed away from these but last night I had a glass of wine (just one) and today I had a couple of cups of weak coffee and I feel pretty edgy (nerves) and flat (mood) today. I know my MD will say "well, then - don't do that" and I will take his advice. I'm thinking long term though. I like coffee and the odd beer or glass of wine and am perfectly willing to give these up if they, in any way, threaten my overall mental health. I wonder about what others have experienced with caffeine and alcohol?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The general warning about alcohol and SSRIs is that they don't mix well. I think many people on SSRIs do allow themselves a glass of wine or beer periodically in moderation and realistically this doesn't seem to be harmful, as long as they are aware that the SSRI may add to the impairing effects of alcohol (i.e., don't drive). On the other hand, there's also no doubt at all that heavy alcohol intake, whether regularly or occasionally, is a very bad idea.

As for coffee, I can't imagine not having a mug or two of coffee in the morning but I have found for several years now that much more than that will give me unpleasant caffeine jitters or even stomach pain and if I drink after about midday it definitely interferes with my sleep.
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