under the sun
Hi there.
I registered just over a week ago and thought I'd introduce myself to the moderators, "regulars," and passers-by to this site.
I'll start with saying I'm female, late 20s, living in the province of Ontario, and I'm not sure where to start or what's "wrong" with me...but in short:
I registered just over a week ago and thought I'd introduce myself to the moderators, "regulars," and passers-by to this site.
I'll start with saying I'm female, late 20s, living in the province of Ontario, and I'm not sure where to start or what's "wrong" with me...but in short:
- - I am highly disorganized and my officespace is in total disarray;
- I find it terribly difficult to focus and concentrate. I have difficulty completing tasks, despite writing a "to do" list every morning;
- It takes me a long while to draft a letter, memo, email or document;
- I postpone or avoid speaking to others over the telephone or in person, preferring to use email as my main mode of communication (this includes family members);
- I have this uncanny ability to remember birthdates, phone numbers, and I can recite my debit card, credit card and social insurance numbers at the drop of a hat;
- My mind draws blanks when asked for an opinion. I feel as though I can't think for myself or form my own opinions;
- Despite what I think is poor job performance, I still have good-to-superior evaluations every year;
- I get anxious when having to enter a room with many people; and
- I went through a series of tests last year and was found to have an "above average" IQ, with perhaps a mild form of attention deficit disorder.
On top of that, my general practioner diagnosed me as having depression two years ago and was prescribed Effexor XR, which I've since stopped taking.
I have recently completed a two week trial of Dexedrine and am now testing out Ritalin. So far, I've noticed no difference in my abilities to focus or concentrate on tasks.
I am also trying cognitive behavioural therapy.
Any thoughts or comments? I am seriously at my wit's end!