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I just can't seem to get the hang of mindfulness. I keep getting too caught up in my thoughts. I was talking to my therapist about what I knew about mindfulness and we tried a mindfulness exercise where I just focus on my breathing and not my thoughts, but I kept getting caught up in my thoughts. My therapist had to redirect my attention to my breathing. Even now I keep getting caught up in my thoughts and it really scares me because I keep getting caught up in thoughts of wanting to control people. I've been ignoring these thoughts since that's just my normal reaction to these thoughts, but I know if I keep ignoring my thoughts eventually I won't be able to handle them anymore and eventually start acting upon them.


Mindfulness is something that takes practice,practice,and more practice.

When you get caught up in your thoughts,just gently redirect your attention back on your breathing. Don't dwell on the fact that you keep getting distracted by your thoughts, just keep practicing.
I guess you're right and I shouldn't give up and keep practicing. I have found some guided mindfulness meditations on YouTube that I could practice.


Good idea to keep practicing. It isn't something anyone can do for you,it's something you have to actually put time and effort into.
I have found that labeling my thinking helps...let us say that I am thinking... what are we having for supper? I will say (label)...thought or I will be thinking kids did not put clothes away(label)....emotion

It helps me by not getting caught up in my thinking or my mind. I acknowledge the though/feeling/emotion without continuing thinking about the subject. For example: what are we having for supper? I wil start going eggs/ meatloaf/chicken...when I label; it interrupts the thinking process and I can return my focus onto my breath.

It may also help you to do a full body relaxation excerise before starting a mindfulness practice.


You just need to stick with it. The mind will always wander. When you notice that you are being swept along in a stream of thoughts, gently redirect your focus to your breath. Eventually you can watch the thoughts go by and just let them slide away as if your mind was Teflon. There are lots of resources on-line and in libraries on mindfulness. I've been practicing mindfulness for about 6 months and have just started to feel like I am less caught up in automatic thinking and more "in the now".
Unfortunately just as I'm starting to learn mindfulness I get a cold making it hard for me to breathe and focus on the breath. Hopefully it'll go away soon so I can get back to practicing mindfulness meditation.
Geting carried away by thoughts is the most common thing in meditation. It happens all the time to all people who begin meditation. And, unless you start practicing with some intensity, it will happen for the rest of your life. Just drop the distracting thought like you would drop wet wood if you were collecting wood to make a fire. No need to feel any aversion to the thoughts. It's just the way things are.

If you one day get serious about meditation and start meditating with some intensity, you'll achieve the ability to focus on your breath for a prolonged period of time without any distractions. And many forms of happiness will arise together with the respective progresses.
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