More threads by Kanadiana


David Baxter said:
Hmmm... that's a new one on me. I know my doctor always takes it from the same arm and I have my own machine at home where again I was instructed to always use the same arm. I don't know if that means it's not uncommon to get slightly different reasons or what exactly.

Was there much of a difference?

Hi ... gee, my third time up tonight. Can't sleep ... got up for a yogurt last time. This time for an anti-inflammatory and here Ii popped in ;)

Left arm was 135/??
Right arm was 150 or so/??

I can't recall the "??" numbers.

The rheumatologist did the other arm when I commented ... "OH, good, that's a relief, it's pretty normal THIS time!" ... she asked what my highest ever reading was and I told her 170/100 so she immediately wanted to test out the other arm to see if the readings were different ... bingo. It was a fair bit highjer I'd say?

I'd be real interested if you find out any info about this David. Rheumatologist said this this sometimes happens but she didn't have time to elaborate or explain.

(so did ya run and test a reading on your other arm just for the heck of it ??? Eh? Didya didya??? LOL)


It's not abnormal for interarm blood pressures to be different. The normal accepted variation is around 10 mm Hg. Differences higher than that CAN mean there is some coronary artery disease; however, that's not an absolute. It is important that, if your blood pressure differs from one arm to the other and you have hypertension, your blood pressure should always be measured using the arm that gives the highest pressure. :)


Thanks a lot for the information ThatLady ;)

I'm remembering that my highest readings, like the one of 170/100 was my right arm as well.

There is a lot of heart/stroke history with my maternal side (including Mom) so I'm inclined to
get on some program/plan to improve a number of health issues. Rheumy lists me as 'hypertensive" now,
cholesterol is up too ... and blah blah blah ... and I'm a smoker. Am thinking it's time for another serious
attempt at quitting ... that will help some, I'm sure. Gotta get this transition done and find a doc asap
to finish the tests/etc I've had to quit midstream due to moving cross country thursday.

Onward ho ... ;)


If your cholesterol is high, there are any number of medications that can help you lower it. High cholesterol is not necessarily due to what you eat. It can be an inherited problem, with the liver manufacturing too much cholesterol, or "packaging" it in a less than optimum manner. If you're not overweight, there's a good chance this is your problem. Either way, medications can help. I'm a scrawny critter who shouldn't have high cholesterol, but mine was tending up despite good diet and exercise. I'm on a minimal dose of Lipitor to help control the problem and it's worked wonderfully. :)

When you get your move out of the way, it will be a good idea for you to find a good Internist to look into these issues (including the family history aspect) for you and get you on the right program for you.


Thanks ThatLady :)

And here's an UPDATE for you all as well ;)

I'm now on my own, tucked into an inexpensive off-season rate motel (only $450) unit with cooking, in small town BC, and this is available to me until end of April if necessary, while I search for an apartment. Talk about luck! I also had cable internet hooked up while here as the motel has cable of course, and they're ok with me getting the net while here. I only hope I'll be so lucky to have cable in whatever apartment I find (apartments are scarce ... oops)

I've seen s doc yesterday and had to have the blood and labs, and all the Xrays done again (thats a lotsa Xrays in a 2 month span!!! Same ones ... why can't the different Provinces simply accept the lab reports of another Province? Bloods I can unerstand doing again ... Xrays not ... rant over.) Also had an ECG. ANyways this new doc gives very WEIRD breast exams!!! Cringe. End of appointment he told me "you have advanced rheumatoid arthritis (and fibro) I'm referring you to the rheumy because it's too out of control and you need to see him to help you get started on proper treatments." Same same. Blood pressure was normal this time. LOL

I'm a tad confused as to whether I'll be simply reinstated with my disability, or will have to apply from scratch, which could take 8-12 weeks to process, as i got two different stories from as many people. I understand my file is still open and it still has my PWD (person with disabilities) status ... hopefully, once my 3 week Province residency requirement is up (I have to call on the 20th to book an application appointment) they'll just simply reinstate me. Keep fingers crossed ... as if they don't, I'll be getting $515.oo per month until DB is processed ... a $450 rent is not good in that case EEK

Except for the last 2 nights, I'm very pleased to tell you all that I've slept fully right through every night since I arrived here. My stress levels, for now, are incredibly ... eased off :) Hallelujah ... at least any new stressors are mine alone and under my control to a degree on how things are handled. I can prioritize and not have that frustrated or sabotaged by a "partner" ...

It's after 2 a.m. right now ... had to get up and decided to come visit here and say a hello and all.

I hope you folks are all hanging in there and finding bright spots in every day ...
Hey Kanadiana!
I was wondering how you were doing. Welcome back to BC :)

I'm sorry to hear about all the tests you've been going through lately (especially the weird one?). I hope you are reinstated with no complications. As you know, I was exploring potential support resources and was recently told that I did not qualify for disability because I am capable of getting back to work on a part time basis. A bit bizarre that there wouldn't be any support for the transition back to work, but I guess that's just the way it is.

Anyway, I'll catch up with you more later...I'm exhausted and have already written a few novels on the forums tonight! I wanted to say, "hi" and good to "see" you again.
Hi Kanadiana,

its good to hear from you, I have been wondering how you are, i dont like the sound of the wierd exams!! you take good care now , you are in my thoughts Hugs TTE :)


through-these-eyes said:
Hi Kanadiana,

its good to hear from you, I have been wondering how you are, i dont like the sound of the wierd exams!! you take good care now , you are in my thoughts Hugs TTE :)


Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts ;)

I don't like the weird exam either, and it's more to do with the "ennergy/attitude" while it was done ... it was definately FELT/APPEARED very flippant and meant to rattle my cage somehow. Nor did I like his focussed intensity every time the mention of anything to do with sex came up. I think a sort of test? He's around 60-ish and quite full of himself and is quite flippant plus dismissive at times. I hope I'm 'wrong" and just misinterpretting. I'd hate to have a bad start in this community with any professional, and hate having this sort of crap inflicted on me by someone in positions of trust and power to effect me and my life. Gawd, how I hate starting with new caregivers having to start from scratch, and at the clinic I wasn't offered any choices of who to see, I was just "assigned" this Doc. When I mentioned to a front desk lady at assistance which doc I got, she went, "Oh NO ... " ... when I asked for more info about his reputation or any complaints and her reactions, she had to say, "I'm sorry ... I not allowed say anything." So ... my percetions may be right on about this guy?

Meanwhile, I'm going to scope out what other Doc's in town? may be taking on new patients, and work with this old fart (since we started tests and I need the care right now etc) until I choose a new doc, or this guy crosses any "more obvious" lines. He's quite "practiced" by now? Hmmm ...


Other than that I've been totally enjoying the sunshine here ... and being out doing errands and getting a "feel" for the people and community. It's very different from what I've been used to. Maybe even a bit of a time-warp happening here ... but I've still to find out what sort of arts community etc is happening. Would like to meet people with some similar interests ;) Right now am content with the process and resting much, which I need to do. Things will get more exciting soon, I'm sure, when I have my assistance appointment and search more for places ...

It's about -18 with windchill right now so with nothing on but going to the store down the road in a bit, I'm staying tucked in and warm :D

That's all for now ... except to say that I've been thinking about you folks too and wondering how you're all faring.

Take care ...


healthbound said:
Hey Kanadiana!
I was wondering how you were doing. Welcome back to BC :)

Hi Healthbound, thanks for the welcome back to BC :) as you can see it's been an interesting time.

I'm sorry the assistance folks didn't provide more help and assistance if you so need that right now. And I hope you caught up on some sleep ... take care of yourself :)
Hi Kanadiana,

I dont like the sound of that doctor just be on your guard with him, its odd the receptionist said what she did, just stick with him till you find somewhere better. Is it easy to change doctors in your country? it can be hard here in England. I hope you make new friends and find things to do, i hope all works out for you.

Hugs TTE


through-these-eyes said:
Hi Kanadiana,

I dont like the sound of that doctor just be on your guard with him, its odd the receptionist said what she did, just stick with him till you find somewhere better. Is it easy to change doctors in your country? it can be hard here in England. I hope you make new friends and find things to do, i hope all works out for you.

Hugs TTE


On guard ... YES. Abssolutely ;)

It's easy to swittch docs if you find any that are taking on new patients ;) Just book an appointment and the new doc requests your files from old one ... voila. It's a pain to start from scratch re-doing the medical history and the new doc getting to know your health issues and all though (been there, done that, been there, done that LOL) . It's nice to stay longterm in a place and with docs and such ... simplifies life a whole bunch ... I'm hoping for finding that simplicity here :D

I exchange emails with a friend from Southhamptom area ... are you around that vicinity?

Take care ...
Hi Kanadiana,

I'm lucky I've stayed with the same Doctor for about 11 years now, but before that I moved alot and I hated starting over with new Doctors, having to go over it all again, your right its a pain!!

No, Im not anywhere near Southampton, never even been there!!!? :)

Take care now TTE


Hey, sweetie! It's really great to hear from you and to know that you're doing better in the stress department. Hopefully, everything will work itself out and you'll be able to get on with your life. You've got so much courage and strength, and you deserve a happy life to go with them! :)


through-these-eyes said:
Hi Kanadiana,
No, Im not anywhere near Southampton, never even been there!!! :)

Take care now TTE

I've never been to England, or anywhere overseas, but it's wonderful to have online friendships from all over, giving me glimpses into these other places and lives. I even exchange occassional forum conversations with a couple of folks deployed in Afghanistan. Really gotta be on their toes over there. The glimpses into the daily lives (all in a days work) amazing. (I know lotsa military types)

Others from Australia ... they send me things like Tim Tam biscuits ... and Australian chocolate covered biscuit much like our "Coffe Crisp" chocolate bars but smaller, and different flavours. Like Khalua and Tia Maria LOL I prefer the regular plain original ones myself :)

Some of my genes hail from around Westminster, London ... GGG Grandpa was a Hudson's Bay Company employee ... came over in 1807 and stayed and married a Cree woman ... so should I ever make it to England, I might feel right at home :)

Take care ...


ThatLady said:
Hey, sweetie! It's really great to hear from you and to know that you're doing better in the stress department. Hopefully, everything will work itself out and you'll be able to get on with your life. You've got so much courage and strength, and you deserve a happy life to go with them! :)

Hi TL ... great to hear from you too :) and yes, am doing much better in the stress department, simply being in charge about making decisions for my own days and life without fear of frustration and worse makes for me being a pretty happy camper right now ;)

I actually don't need a whole lot to keep me happy and content, pretty simple and basic things ..... like staying put and having good/comfy docs and such LOL (I crack jokes about the doc but it ain't funny and I'm concerned. It will all work out though, I'm sure. I'll just stay alert and keep looking for a different doc)

Thanks to all for your encouragement and support ... that helps me a lot ;)
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