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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Woman calls 911 reporting home invader - it was just a trapped Roomba
By Adam Frisk,
April 10, 2019


Authorities from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office responded to a 911 call from woman who suspected an intruder had locked themselves in her bathroom. ~ Washington County Sheriff’s Office

Fearing that a possible home invader has locked themselves in your bathroom must suck. Having police officers storm the washroom with guns drawn, only to find said suspect is nothing but a robotic vacuum, must suck even more.

That’s exactly what happened to a woman house-sitting for a family in Portland, Ore., on Monday.

Authorities from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office responded to a 911 call from a woman who suspected an intruder had locked themselves in her bathroom. The caller told dispatch she could see shadows under the bathroom door.

Multiple police units responded to the home just before 2 p.m., surrounding the house. A canine unit was also dispatched to the scene.

The sheriff’s office said deputies heard a noise coming from the washroom, prompting calls from the officers for the suspect to surrender.

After several failed attempts, deputies stormed the washroom with guns drawn and encountered a suspect.

“An automated robot vacuum,” the sheriff’s office said. “We breached the bathroom door and encountered a very thorough vacuuming job being done by a Roomba Robotic Vacuum cleaner.”

Sgt. Danny DiPietro told the Oregonian that this type of call was a first for him.

“In 13 years, this is my first Roomba burglar,” DiPietro said. “Never had anything like this.”

The sheriff’s office posted a “most wanted” poster on Facebook, noting they had captured the suspect.

“We’re all just still having a good laugh about it,” DiPietro told the newspaper.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Dang punk roombas! Pull up your dang pants and get a real job! And stop hanging around people's houses trying to bum cigarettes and booze! :mad:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Well exactly. And vice versa.

Whatever happened to the traditional "Hello everyone! Please join me in welcoming our latest team member, the House Sitter. Roomba, perhaps you'd like to say a few special words?"

Of course, this was in Oregon. Maybe traditions are different there.

"This is Oregon. Oregonna assume y'all already know each other?"

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
@gooblax have you seen Bladerunner or Bladerunner 2019? Or even the Aliens series?

Roombas are evolving... maybe this one just wanted some privacy?
@David Baxter which model roomba were you thinking of getting? I might wait until they evolve to have Roomba Eats food pickup capability (but before they realise they can vacuum the food instead of delivering it).

Daniel E.
Hopefully @gooblax is preparing for her robot overlords. I saw this on a morning show today:

Google's world-first drone delivery business wins approval in Canberra | Australia news | The Guardian

For the past 18 months, Project Wing, an offshoot of Google’s parent company Alphabet, has been trialling drone delivery of food and drinks, medication and locally-made coffee and chocolate.

Google-Owned Wing Launches First Drone Delivery Service in Australia | Observer

Wing predicts that its Australian service could bring in as much as $40 million Australian dollars in revenue by 2030. The company plans to expand delivery areas in the coming weeks, with more nearby cities being added soon.

How does Wings drone delivery service work? - YouTube

Wish I could have hot foods, beverages, and gelato delivered in minutes :)

Daniel E.
There were actually 2 house sitters who were scared:

The Roomba was slamming against a glass shower door.
Next it will "smart"-ly minimise resource consumption by refusing to turn on lights, use water etc. and prohibiting manual override until it eventually just locks residents out of the home to avoid creation of mess for the connected roomba, minimise food degradation from opening the fridge door, electronic degradation from turning on/off/using the TV etc.
I'm not sure I've ever seen the movie the whole way through @David Baxter. HAL terrified me as a kid, in a good-scary sort of way :lol:
I'll have to rewatch it and find out what bits I've missed out on.

Daniel E.
Next it will "smart"-ly minimise resource consumption by refusing to turn on lights, use water etc. and prohibiting manual override until it eventually just locks residents out of the home to avoid creation of mess for the connected roomba, minimise food degradation from opening the fridge door, electronic degradation from turning on/off/using the TV etc.

Hopefully by then we will have the angel drones to deliver :icecream: to backyards, campgrounds, forests, beaches, etc.
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