I'm 14 and i was bullied since the age of 5. i don't know why, but i've been bullied relentlessly from then onward. every day of every year without failure- you name it. exclusion, verbal abuse, physical abuse. one day in year sixat eleven i just exploded and knocked out someone cold who was trying to hit me. since then i've just had everything bottled up and ive never found anyway to release it - it still carries on today and im just sick of it. the only releif i ever had was the brief period after i knocked out that kid where everyone was sayin wow that was cool... then it went back to "normal" being bullied every day. telling teachers doesnt do shit as i found out. youve gotta deal with it yourself... but i dont really want to actually hurt somebody and end up getting suspended... anything else to do or do i just let it happen and continue being treated like a sack of crap for the next few years?