My psychologist spoke to me today and told me that i am going threw PTSD.. ad have been ever since the event... I get flashes of it all the time they don<t seem to go away .. according to her by talkng about it and getting it out will stop the flashes and the nightmare... I don<t know if i can .. i was abused. by my X b/f what mor eis there to say .. sur ei am not really able t say that out loud yet nore am i able to tlk about it or let a guy even tuch my hand without feeling dirty or getting flash backs.. .. i am not too sure about her theraputic aproch although she probaly knows what she is doing i am nervous.., i don<t know if i cantrust anybody anymore and she seems really nice and listens to my every word .. but i don<t know if i can ever trust anybody.. a symptom of ptsd .. could it be my fear of being anywere neer a man, my flashes .. and my nightmares.. sometime durring the day i kind of lose track of time normally durring my flashes.. is that ptsd or is it something else.. like my flashes are pretty intense sometimes even my nightmares .. i donT< knwo if i can trust only one opinion.
yours truly ashley-kate
yours truly ashley-kate