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I know a girl that her parents are living seperated (not divoced). she is living and growing with her mom & grandmon and her father is living in another country, for business reason. the whole life of my friend is hardly to see her father, just only he back home for a few days per month.

Anyway, the point is can anyone lists out about the girl behaviors, attitudes, etc when the child like this grow up? plz cuz she is one of my close friend, but her emotion is reallly really unpredictable. sometime is get angry with no reason. so i want to understand her better. thanz for advance folk..


I know a girl that her parents are living seperated (not divoced). she is living and growing with her mom & grandmon and her father is living in another country, for business reason. the whole life of my friend is hardly to see her father, just only he back home for a few days per month.

Anyway, the point is can anyone lists out about the girl behaviors, attitudes, etc when the child like this grow up? plz cuz she is one of my close friend, but her emotion is reallly really unpredictable. sometime is get angry with no reason. so i want to understand her better. thanz for advance folk..


Some behavior like, many time i 've notice that she like to call for attention. I 'va notice many time that she had an argurment with her boyfriend in some stupid reason. But i got the answer from her later, the reason she got moody because she wants to get attention from boyfriend. which if u ask me, personally, i saw her boyfriend did noting wrong.

so i really want to know behavior like this (want to recieve attention from other) is normaly. or it is some effect from her childhood that has single parent (mother). if it is the effect from childhood, are there any other behavior?

ps. if u think any details or history that importance, plz, i am willing to add.
thank you so much


Some behavior like, many time i 've notice that she like to call for attention. I 'va notice many time that she had an argurment with her boyfriend in some stupid reason. But i got the answer from her later, the reason she got moody because she wants to get attention from boyfriend. which if u ask me, personally, i saw her boyfriend did noting wrong.

so i really want to know behavior like this (want to recieve attention from other) is normaly. or it is some effect from her childhood that has single parent (mother). if it is the effect from childhood, are there any other behavior?

ps. if u think any details or history that importance, plz, i am willing to add.
thank you so much

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
There can be a number of reasons for attention-seeking behavior but most people who come from families with separated/divorced parents do not behave that way.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
There can be a number of reasons for attention-seeking behavior but most people who come from families with separated/divorced parents do not behave that way.


I was from a family who split up and my parents did get a divorce and I turned my attention seeking to my mum, it is interesting to do that to a boyfriend, sounds like there is more to it.



I was from a family who split up and my parents did get a divorce and I turned my attention seeking to my mum, it is interesting to do that to a boyfriend, sounds like there is more to it.

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