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Well we had a bit of frost here, but that's not surprising. We had someone looking after the garden while we were in Alberta so they were nice enough to crowd all our plants together (easy to move because they were in pots) and cover them, plus they harvested a whole bunch and stored them for us in a bin in the garage. And now it doesn't look like another frost is coming for a while.

If it's as dry a winter as our July/Aug was, I'll be happy! I don't mind cold as long as it isn't blizzarding, sleeting or making me shovel or use the snowblower... lol It's a heckuva lot easier to walk the dog when there isn't a foot of snow to walk through, or around, or avoid when it's all slushy and freezing water in places...


I love winter as much as the other seasons, snow and all. although I'm not a fan of being cold but can't really complain living in Canada. lol

Daniel E.
Yeah, though I mostly feel sorry for people who live in Nature's freezer, it has to have some upside :snow:


Daniel you're talking about the people that live really, really north. Look up "Alert, NWT" on the map. :D

We are supposed to have another nice week here. I need to get a shed installed in the back cause I'm converting my garage into a home-based business. I should try and remember to do that this week.

If the snow can hold off until Jan or Feb I'll be happy. It's not a pipe dream - we've had many a "brown" Christmas...Last December 27 the lake still hadn't frozen over and we went diving.

But, I haven't ruled out finding a warmer place to live. Just not Florida. The alligators scare me.
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