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First of all, what is it like to be both OCD and ADD at the same time?

Also, I dont think I can also be ADD because I can sit in front of a computer for a long time!(occasionally get up to go to the restroom, etc) as a kid I would be under a pile of books and spend a long time reading and I was content!

I wonder what it would be like to have both at the same time,,,
First of all, what is it like to be both OCD and ADD at the same time?

Also, I dont think I can also be ADD because I can sit in front of a computer for a long time!(occasionally get up to go to the restroom, etc) as a kid I would be under a pile of books and spend a long time reading and I was content!

I wonder what it would be like to have both at the same time,,,

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
"Attention Deficit Disorder" is a misleading term in some respects. First, there are different forms of ADHD. Second, most people with ADHD are able to focus quite well on things that interest them -- indeed, the ability to hyperfocus is characteristic of many people with ADHD.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
"Attention Deficit Disorder" is a misleading term in some respects. First, there are different forms of ADHD. Second, most people with ADHD are able to focus quite well on things that interest them -- indeed, the ability to hyperfocus is characteristic of many people with ADHD.
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