More threads by dont be crazy

hi everybodie i could use a little help with something. i know that no one can give out medical advice here and thats ok. but i would like to hear some thoughts or opiuns on something that is causing me great stress.

any sugestions from any one with some pharmacutical knowllege would be nice . and again just talk here.

i will have to try and explain a bit whats going on here and sorry about my spelling and puncuation and all that crap but i think most should be able to dcipher.

ok i have a great fear of taking certain medications because of past expercenses and side effects not all medications i can take some that i have takin in the past and not had any problem with. but some i have a real problem with i am supossed to or the doctors recomend that i take antipsycotic but i cant but that is another story but related.

ok here is the thing a couple years ago i had a prostrate problem well i didnt know it was a prostrate problem till i went to see the doctor. he gave me some antibotic to take i was supossed to take them for 6 weeks as the prostrate is a hard organ to deliver meds to.

i already had a bit of a fear of medications but thought i would give it a try. they seemed to be working but about 3 weeks into taking them i started to have a problem that ended with me in the emergecy room with a major panic attack.

even after leaving the hospital i continued to have lots of problems and i had stoped taking the pills. i would be woken up having some kind of spasms or sezures or something. and very nervous i felt very sick and shaky i had anxziyity problem before but now they were 10 times what tey were before. some times i would be lying in bed watching tv and would suddenly jump up because i could have swore i felt something crawling over me like bugs or something. i carried a themorator around with me because i just swore in had some kind of fever or something but never did when ever i checked. i was really screwed up and too this day i belive it was from the antibiotic. i have never been the same since maybe i was a little crazy before taking them but i have never been the same since. so of coarse the doctors say they think its all just in my head theres nothing wrong with you here just take these pills. very hard for me too do.

so anyway i start to read up on prostatitis which is an inflamation of the prostrate. which is why i was taking the pills anyways find out that there is a lot of uncertainty about weather this is always cause by bacteria. some doctors belive that most cases are some kind of tension disorder and may not be anything to do with bacteria. well this is right up my alley if there ever was a tence guy its me. so anyway my problem goes away on its own. but does seem to come back every once in a while but that was more than 2 years ago. that it was really bad. so now it has come back this time very bad. i also found out that it is a lot easier whne someone has this problem to just give them antibiotic instead of trying to figure out if it is indeed bacteria or not. also read that sometimes antbotics act as antinflameitory and maybe why they seem to help even when there is no infection. so now i have this bothering me again real bad go to the doctor he gives me same pills as before. so i am thinking ok what do i do i swear up and down i would never take them again. i tell the pharmist a short version of this here spew. and she say call the doctor and ask him for somethin eles because some of the side effects that i mentoin like the nervousness and sezuries and stuff can be side effects of the medication.

so i do he gives me another kind this time i only have to take it for 2 weeks graet i think read the pamplet and this stuff has almost the exact same side effects listed. damm i just cant win. i still dont know if it is even a bacterial problem or a tension problem but i think i wanted to try just in case pluse because of what i read about them working as an antiinflamatoy. but afterv reading the side effect i just cant do it i cant make my self take them.

so a little time goes buy and i am in a lot of pain and discomfort. so i figure all right i will try but decided to go with the ones i had tried in the first place because i had takin them before. so after one day my symptoms are gone great i think. but then i can really start to feel the nervousness coming back i am wondering if it was bacteria would just one day on then make me feel better or would this pont more toward there acting as an antiinflamitory. so my forth day taking them is new years eve i take them in the morning but i really wanted to have a couple beers for new years eve so figure i would skip the second dose so i can enjoy a drink or to without have to wrry about anything happening. so i drink 5 beers that night and coukld not sleep at all tossing and turning and a really bad head ach. get up to use the bathroom and catch a glimps of my self in the mirror and i am turning a pinkish orange color all over my stomach and chest almost have a freak out but i battle through it the next day i am back to normal color but feeling realy sick. so now its been 5 day since and i havent takin any more pills but the problem is back. now i really dont know what to do.

i want to go to the doctor but everytime i try and explain something like this they just look at me like i am crazy i even had one doctor give me a really dirty look and just say whats the problem you just swallow the pill what a jerk. anyway this is i guess maybe just some ranting . i think mybe to really take care of the problem i would almost have to be hospitalized and given the antibiotics intervenously along with some antipsycotic. any way if this is not really something you want on youe forum dr baxter i understand and you can remove it but i just am having a real problem with this and got nobody to talk too abou it i can barely even sleep and if anyone read through all this crap thanks for listening and again sorry for all the spelling and evevy thing but if i tried to fix it it would take me days
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Re: really need someone to talk too


I am sorry you are in such distress right now , I can't help you with the meds as I have no knowledge about med interactions , however I see that you skipped some meds and had a few beers , I do know that skipping meds and taking alcohol is bad news , as this upsets all the effectiveness of the meds and may provoke very undesirable reactions..

I would get right back to your doctor and tell him about this .

take care and ring your doc as soon as possible please wp
Re: really need someone to talk too

hi wp yes i know that was stupid about the beers something eles i will never do again. the funny thing is when the uroligist gave me the pills i asked him if if was ok to have a couple beers when taking and he said yes. but that was the only time i did. my biggest problem is just getting them to listen to what i want to say with out stumbling over my words all the doctors seem to be just so busy and dont have the time to really listen and understand the problem
Re: really need someone to talk too

hi again ;

May I suggest that you , try to write down on a sheet of paper what you would like to say to the doctor , and take this along with you when you see him.

that way it is much easier to express yourself , writing it down helps us to clarify our thoughts and we can rewrite certain parts if neccessary . Explain to your doctor that it is at times difficult to express yourself verbally and ask him to read what you have written .

take care wp


I haven't posted on here in a loing time, but I read your post and thought I'd send a little note.

First, it's very difficult to make out what causes what with so little information to go on; I understand about not wanting to put too many details out there--privacy is plum! But, given the bit of info. that you were taking an antibiotic and it was prescribed for 6 weeks when you had the first reaction (strange sensations and feelings), I can make several guesses. It could actually have been a side effect-- some antibitotics can do that, build up toxicity levels which can cause neurological/psychological side effects such as what you described. OR, I can go by what you say happened this time. You wanted a beer and didn't take the med as prescribed, which in itself is harmful. In addition, mixing aclohol and nearly ANY medication is not a good idea. Alcohol, in particular, is one of the most common restrictions placed on those little pill-bottle stickers placed on the script bottle. If you actually turned a different COLOR, I am going to GUESS that possibly you gave your body wayyy too much to handle and the medicine coupled with the beer was just too much for your liver and kidneys to clear.

As already suggested, I would say: go to your doc. Write down what happened first, so you can have a clear picture in your mind. Write your questions down. And keep a food/med diary while taking ANY medicine. The diary can helpy ou determine causes of side effects (medicinal or psychological). It will help you feel as if you have control over something. IT can also help identify problems with your patterns of compliance.

Good luck!--Poohbear
thanks for the additional comments. this is just so furstrating. i do have new doctors appointments for tommorrow .

i am very healthy physicaly. i work out all the time because of my worried ness about my health. and it is very alarming to think how toxic all the medications are. and that is how i was feeling about it. that it just built up to toxic levels the first time i had taken it. and i did have blood work done to check my liver and kindney function after my first bad experience and everything came back normal. but maybe it was to long after i had stopped taking the medications.

but this second time it had only been a few days that i was taking it for. i wonder if some people are just super sensitive to things like this.

it is also so disapointing when trying to get informations from the doctors. my experiences so far has been basicly that it is all in my head when i try to tell any of them what is going on. but its not all in my head to me when i can feel and see adverse things happening to my mind and body.

it seem to be a toss up as to what is worse the problem that ales you or the new problems the meds give you.
like the commericials you see on tv always make me laugh when after they tell you how great the medication is they go on in a quick voice and tell you the list of side effect you may experiencs makes the problem you have sound not so bad in comparision.
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