More threads by Lost

Good job. keep it up

Im not really even keeping track of my self and how I look. I know how much I weight and look and im ok with it.


Thanks LostChild and NSA.

I am upbeat about her, because she really is great. I wish everyone could find such a wonderful, insightful, wise, therapist... Or if I was wishing, I suppose I really wish that everyone would have wonderful insightful and wise PARENTS so that they don't need the therapists... but anyway...

And altho I'm upbeat about her, I'm not very upbeat about much else... I still don't know tho if this marriage is going to work...
these things take so much time...




lol~I wanted to say something but I didn't know what to say! :D I guess I could say that I'm jealous that you think your therapist is so perfect because I'm always getting a little put off by the things mine says to me. I don't feel like saying "You're brilliant" would probably work better if I did though ;) That's cool that couples counseling thing works too...I did something similar to that just a couple times and I felt totally uncomfortable. Seriously though I am happy for you in that at least that aspect is going so well :) That is great to hear. And at least with your marriage, you'll know that you tried to make it work. That's the best you can do!



lol Toeless! Nice to see you again - from a different angle too! (and in black and white!)

We tried couple councelling with my old therapist too - it was disastrous! But you don't need to feel jealous that I've got a good therapist - coz you could find a good one too!

So... maybe Toeless you could look around for another therapist ... ???? .... ????

What do you think?

I'm sure that mine isn't the only good one in the world...

Based on my past experiences, there are a lot of therapists out there who are kind of "ok" but not really that great, and they're not really going to help you that much. But there are also some really really REALLY good ones. So maybe it's worthwhile asking yours for a break, and then trying another one out to see if there's an improvement...?

I don't know if it's of any help, but I just discovered that my therapist supervises several other therapists - which although it surprised me to find out, it didn't really surprise me since she really has so much to offer... But maybe it indicates that she's also much higher up in her field... and maybe that could guide you when looking for yourself? Is there a way of finding a therapist who's more experienced, and higher up in their field...?

You deserve to have a good therapist, just like I do.


I still don't know tho if this marriage is going to work...
these things take so much time...
Hi Lost. you are right, these things do take time to figure out, sort out, and ye are both trying.. don't worry about the time element.. won;t it be worth it if it turns out ye can work things out? just continue towork with the therapist and let time take care of itself ok.
and just in case it turns out the opposite, that ye can't work it out.. well you have given it every chance and tried all you can..
Keep an open mind for now and let the therapist help ye as best she can ok.

wishing ye all the best ok



But you don't need to feel jealous that I've got a good therapist
Well OK ;) I won't be jealous then, I will just be happy for you :) In all honesty I am not going to look for another therapist. This one is it. If this works then great, if not, I'll live (perhaps dysfunctionally but I will live nonetheless ;)). I won't expand on it anymore because I don't want to steal your thread but I wanted to answer you. I appreciate your thoughts and feedback, as always ;)
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