More threads by Domo


I confess, Domo, I'm one of those people. :rolleyes: I couldn't figure out what was so significant about your brother bringing you some cheese, and why that'd make you feel better. Then I read Violet's post, and remembered the dog...and felt like an idiot. :D


Not a fan of brie. Starbucks had a great ham, apple, and brie sandwich, and I used to pick all the brie off. Blech. But yes - puppies are definitely better :).


Yum, that sounds delicious.

I couldn't stop laughing at cheddar whe she came over, she kept on crawling in between the space between my fence and the garage and getting stuck. Had to make her reverse out :lol:

---------- Post added March 22nd, 2010 at 02:55 AM ---------- Previous post was March 21st, 2010 at 09:48 PM ----------

I thought i would take the lead from some other members here and post something positive for once instead of being a miserable bastard all the time :p

I just realised that this time last week i was at the hosipital in quite the mess and chatting to a guy about the value of coppper (actually he was cute so that's a positive too :lol:) and tonight i am feeling quite good and i even cooked up a healthy dinner. I've got some excess energy and wouldn't mind going for a walk but i don't live in the greatest area and don't really like to walk after dark.

Anyway i hope this is the meds starting to do their thing :2thumbs:

---------- Post added at 03:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 AM ----------

I ended up going for a walk :D Only 20 minutes but that's the most i've done in a few months :blush:


That is awesome Domo! I am so so glad that you are doing well.

Yum. Brie :)

domo said:
I couldn't stop laughing at cheddar whe she came over, she kept on crawling in between the space between my fence and the garage and getting stuck. Had to make her reverse out

This made me chuckle :lol: I love dogs but they are really not always the smartest creatures.
Hey amazing how animals can bring some joy into ones life. I am glad you went for a little walk and are eating better I hope your meds will kick in to take care Domo


Just thought i'd do an update re the med change.

Pretty much no side effects at all. Only thing is lack of appetite which i am not complaining about :lol:

Also i don't know if it's related or not but i am smoking a whole lot less too. I wasn't a heavy smoker in the first place (about 6 a day, on weekends about double that) but now i only have about 1 or two. I just thought that was interesting.

I got some temazepam so sleep is not an issue either. Although i am a bit worried because it makes me feel a little too good. I can see how it would be addictive. So i really need to keep a close eye on that.


Hey Domo,

Thanks for the update, and I'll say - I'm glad you're smoking less :). I hope the new meds work out for you and you get some good sleep. :2thumbs:
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