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I've recently ended counselling I was receiving because I believe I am experiencing with my counsellor what may be transference? Ive read only a little bit about this, but as much as I have read sounds quite like what I am experiencing. I am still at a very stressful time in my life and feel I need to continue counselling but have no idea how to approach this issue? And will it continue on to another therapist if I continue with counselling? I'm feeling so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. Please ... any advice is appreciated

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
If your previous therapist was helping, why not return to her/him? If you are bothered by transference issues, when you feel ready this is something you can bring up in therapy. Or you can if you prefer just continue to focus on other issues as long as you are benefitting and the transference issue is not impeding your progress.
Hi i think also hun you should go back to your therapist
Your therapist is well equipped to understand and deal with the emotions you are feeling.
Many people who get therapy have these feelings hun because they are now being heard and feel cared for.
Call you therapist okay and be honest if you can but don't stop getting the help you need
,Changing therapist you are just going to experiance perhaps the same thing so stay put get help you need be honest okay your therapist will be able to help you through all of this hugs
I, too, think you should go back. Transference is something you can deal with in therapy by talking about it. It sounds like your therapist is helpful and would be able to help you with this as well.


Thanks so much for the advice everyone... it is very much appreciated. I think I will try to summon up the courage to contact her again. And hopefully deal with this.. Im soo embarassed


Ok so I made the call and Im going back to see my therapist on Monday but I have no idea how to bring up this issue?? Please help!!
write out what you are feeling and give it to therapist also ask her if this is common for a client to feel this way and tell truth that you are embarrassed by these feeling
you will see that your therapist will have dealt before with this issue and will assure you there is nothing to be embarrassed about you and your therapist can work through this


All of your advice along with some serious courage today got me through an excellent appointment. After expressing thoughts and honest feelings, my therapist really made me comfortable with the idea that I wasnt some freak and that she was completely understanding of the things I was feeling. What a relief today has been... I feel like there just might be a light at the end of this tunnel.
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