More threads by Charity

Hello, all you wonderful people!:inlove:

I haven't been on here lately, so I thought I'd better stop by. I'm still doing okay... I've really been starting to work through a lot of stuff lately, stuff that I'm starting to finally deal with for the first time. This is a great thing, of course; I'm just a litle overwhelmed, working so hard in therapy while still trying to maintain a full-time job, a marriage, our apartment, our pets... you know what I mean. I'm SO thankful that I finally decided to get into therapy instead of trying to get by with just medications. I can see clearly now from my new perspective that for me, the medicines were nothing more than a band-aid over the gaping wounds. I won't say that life's easy at the moment, but I'm learning so much! I'm starting to have a little more control over my raging emotions, most of the time, anyway... I've finally become "ready" to look back at my early life and see some of the things that brought me to be the person I am today. There's no way I could possibly have known how hard this would be! It's still just baby steps, but who knew-- after you take five or six of 'em, you can actually look back and see that you've moved a few inches!

I still have my good days and bad days, and with this silly BPD I even have good and bad hours or minutes, lol. But I'm working hard at this therapy, which is more than I've ever been able to say before. And little by little, it does help.

I thank everyone here for all the support I've found here from time to time! I'd like to be around more now-- I just find it hard most days to even accomplish all the things I need to do, let alone the things I want to do. Just don't you dare think I've forgotten! Never, ever, ever. We rock!:grouphug:


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
It's great to hear that things are starting to come together for you, Charity :)

Well done on your hard work and thanks for stopping by to give an update :goodjob:


Resident Canuck
Hi Chairty. Nice to hear from you. I am so happy things are progressing well for you.

I can sense your elation in your post. It is wonderful! I am so happy for you.

I am glad you stopped by to update us. Hope to see you again soon.



Account Closed
I'm really happy to hear from you Charity. And really happy that you're doing so well for yourself. While the work is hard, I think you're up for the challenge. & Please do give us updates on how you're doing. :)

Keeping you in my thoughts and sending you those positive vibes.
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