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MVP, Forum Supporter
This thread could fit into parenting, medical or anger management but I have chose to post it here as it's the closest to how I am feeling.

Four weeks ago my eldest son (the one with autism) started to lose his appetite and then became very lethargic and started to have incredibly strange mood swings.

For a couple of weeks I fretted and pondered (as mothers do) spoke to people about it and put it down to his transition to both college and a part-time job.

There was still something niggled at the back of my mind throughout this time and two weeks ago I sat him down and with a communicative towrope pulled out of him exactly what he felt like... this for a person with autism was a stressful and pressurizing conversation but after it I knew he had to go to A n E.

I had a job on my hands there to get them to test him they wanted to know on 4 separate occasions why I thought my "tired" son needed to come to A n E I begged them to take tests and nothing could have prepared me for the outcome of them.

He has a palpable liver and spleen, liver enzymes where up, white blood cell count was low hemoglobin was low, and again by another miracle because he lived like a monk they admitted him, after telling us had he been like a normal 18 year old and been out drinking they would have sent him home!

After more tests it was found he had a bleeding stomach ulcer so that was injected with adrenalin and he also had a blood infection, they then found that all the lymph nodes in his stomach where enlarged.

We have had a preliminary diagnosis of aggressive Lymphoma they are testing to find out which one.

I have been through so many emotions... has my son not already suffered enough in his life with all he has struggled through?... Should I go back to therapy? will it open things I simply don't have the emotional resources for at the moment... utter anger and a real sense of helplessness as I am watching something eat my son and there is nothing I can do, he has went in four weeks from being a normal teenager to being unable to to stand or walk... his fate is in the hands of others.

His communication issues have had to be highlighted at every step and turn I have had to speak to medical people who think it is okay to blabber a load of medical jargon at someone with autism and they will cope.

The hardest part after this and definitely the most frustrating has been in dealing with others everyone wants an answer you cannot give, they want to fix and help in the same way I do and as I am the first line of information you get everyone's emotional baggage dumped right at your feet.

Previous therapy has definitely helped me in that I can sort through it and prioritize in my favor... my son needs me and he needs me mentally able so I have had conversations that under other circumstances would have made me shrivel up and die with shame but I have no time for tiptoeing round others at the moment.

We find out his latest round of biopsy results on Monday/Tuesday which will hopefully pin down what type of cell it is as it's being quite elusive!

So uni is on a back burner, nothing else in life matters and we are fighting this head on.

I am not particularly religious but I know many on this site are and at times like this find comfort in it...

Pray for my son... and thanks for listening


MVP, Forum Supporter
Wishing you the best Wooby through this difficult time. I know your son must be the priority now but remember to take care of yourself too. Thinking of you. R
Hugs to You hun understand those struggles and i am so happy your son has a mom that will advocate for him and make the dam medical society listen
I too hope that you get the therapy you need the support you need to stay strong not only for your son but for YOU hun hugs


Hi Wooby - What hard news to get and process - I'm so sorry.
I would recommend therapy for yourself - to help you through this time, you will need all the support you can get to help look after you son and be there for him. Rely on others and accept any help (that will actually be helpful) that comes your way.

I will pray for your son and you and your family.
Take care of yourself.


MVP, Forum Supporter
I am so sorry to hear this WOOBY.

Wishing you all the best in finding resources to help you and your son and family.

Thinking of you xx


MVP, Forum Supporter
Just a quick update while I have the time...and so I can get my head round it a bit I suppose...

My son has been diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma however.... they think it he has had this a while and for some reason it has mutated into non-hodgkins lymphoma (a very aggressive type) which has them baffled... it is beginning to look like my son may have a totally new form of lymphoma never seen before

This situation plays both into his favor and against him, there are experts flying in specifically to see my son and the very best care is being taken with him as a result of this being something no one has came across before but it also means there is no prescribed treatment so with regards to chemo (which he starts today) it really is a shot in the dark

Pray for my son and I will drop by when I can

*squishy hugs to you all*
Oh hun i will pray the chemo is effective hun and that your son get strong and well again I will pray for you too hun that you also get the support you need hugs


MVP, Forum Supporter
It sounds like your son is receiving the best of care. Remember to take care of yourself too!


MVP, Forum Supporter
happy new year all and a quick up date

my son was admitted back into hospital after some difficulties with his first round of chemo (which he has started... yay)

The chemo has made a massive difference as he was gravely ill and they where very cautious as to how to treat him but minor sets backs included it seems to be going well his stomach has reduced dramatically and they are hoping the second round of chemo will reduce the size of his spleen.

second round of chemo which is R-CHOP starts Monday

Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year!
I am glad the chemo is helping hun How are you holding up hun in all this Do you have supports for you in place.
Will continue to pray for your son hun hugs to you
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