More threads by Ashley-Kate


Ashley, I don't know if you're going to read this, but if you do then I just have to say a few things. Sometimes the truth can hurt so badly. However, it can also help you to see the light. Exactly what you're seeking to help you realize that anorexia doesn't define your true self - realizing it - not just trying to convince yourself of it. Also, it's never too early to begin getting better. Getting better is not the same as being completely over anorexia or anything else. True, you might not be ready to be completely "cured" of anorexia. But, keep trying - no matter how slow the process is. All that matters is that you don't give up hope. Good luck to you. Continue therapy. Don't be afraid of the truth, because you already know what it is and it can't hurt you any more than it already has. You might find that facing the truth can give you freedom. I wish you the best. Come back any time.


Ashley, I don't know if you're going to read this, but if you do then I just have to say a few things. Sometimes the truth can hurt so badly. However, it can also help you to see the light. Exactly what you're seeking to help you realize that anorexia doesn't define your true self - realizing it - not just trying to convince yourself of it. Also, it's never too early to begin getting better. Getting better is not the same as being completely over anorexia or anything else. True, you might not be ready to be completely "cured" of anorexia. But, keep trying - no matter how slow the process is. All that matters is that you don't give up hope. Good luck to you. Continue therapy. Don't be afraid of the truth, because you already know what it is and it can't hurt you any more than it already has. You might find that facing the truth can give you freedom. I wish you the best. Come back any time.


hey ashley-
i know exactly how you feel. me and you are in the same boat right now. we know we really need help but we just dont want to be with out our eating disorders. Just try not to let it get too much to the point of no return you know? dont get so out of control that you cant get back in control. you deserve so much better than this. your sooo sweet and you deserve to have happiness and just be satisfied emotionally, physically, everything. im always here for you!


hey ashley-
i know exactly how you feel. me and you are in the same boat right now. we know we really need help but we just dont want to be with out our eating disorders. Just try not to let it get too much to the point of no return you know? dont get so out of control that you cant get back in control. you deserve so much better than this. your sooo sweet and you deserve to have happiness and just be satisfied emotionally, physically, everything. im always here for you!


i don't mean to be new and i just read your last e mail. i understand people feel like they are not ready to live without their anorexia but the other option is not to live at all. I have spent years waiting for the time when i thought i was 'ready' to get help. now i fear it is too late. i have abused my body so much that i fear it is beyond repair. please don't give up and resign yourself to it as i have. x x x


i don't mean to be new and i just read your last e mail. i understand people feel like they are not ready to live without their anorexia but the other option is not to live at all. I have spent years waiting for the time when i thought i was 'ready' to get help. now i fear it is too late. i have abused my body so much that i fear it is beyond repair. please don't give up and resign yourself to it as i have. x x x

hello, i just read the last e-mail that came on this site and well i would like to say thank you but then again not to be offensive but i have been living like this for about 5 years now and well i am not realy used to anything else all of my adolescent i have been this way the unknown is what i fear the most i know the other alternative is well as you said very clearly death and no i don't want ot dye but well i am not sure i want to live eigther this eating disorder permits me to stay in between life and death.

hello, i just read the last e-mail that came on this site and well i would like to say thank you but then again not to be offensive but i have been living like this for about 5 years now and well i am not realy used to anything else all of my adolescent i have been this way the unknown is what i fear the most i know the other alternative is well as you said very clearly death and no i don't want ot dye but well i am not sure i want to live eigther this eating disorder permits me to stay in between life and death.


i know exactly what you mean. i feel like i will never be able to be 'normal' as i have never experienced it. do you want to escape from this situation? i know it sounds silly but it has only been in the last year that i have actually began to hate my disorder. before this i thought that everyone else was against me and jealous. my eating disorder felt like my closest friend. however now..i hate it..i truly want to experience what it would be like to put food in my mouth and feel nourished. I am now the jealous one...jealous of those who have enough control over their is so nice to talk to someone about this...x don't give up.. i mean that with all my heart.


i know exactly what you mean. i feel like i will never be able to be 'normal' as i have never experienced it. do you want to escape from this situation? i know it sounds silly but it has only been in the last year that i have actually began to hate my disorder. before this i thought that everyone else was against me and jealous. my eating disorder felt like my closest friend. however now..i hate it..i truly want to experience what it would be like to put food in my mouth and feel nourished. I am now the jealous one...jealous of those who have enough control over their is so nice to talk to someone about this...x don't give up.. i mean that with all my heart.
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