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I went to therapist today tried to explain i get through things by using Logic I don't need to understand emotion connection.
Logically i know what happened and why and i have told him. He states we need to deal with emotional aspect of it. Why
Emotions cause confusion it does not make things better it makes things worse
Logic on the other hand clears up the confusion makes you understand what and why things happen.
I just don't get why ones emotions have to be involved at all. The emotions are not of the present they are not mine so why confuse me.
Logic wins when it comes to staying stable everytime.
Thats all i want is stability.
Emotions are too complex to understand or deal with They make me into someone i am not.


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I went to therapist today tried to explain i get through things by using Logic I don't need to understand emotion connection.
Logically i know what happened and why and i have told him. He states we need to deal with emotional aspect of it. Why
Because unfortunately, not all things are logical and, in order to heal we need to understand the emotions that are attached to some of those things...It's not fun, it can be at times quite painful. But I do think it's necessary if you're really going to heal.

Emotions cause confusion it does not make things better it makes things worse
Logic on the other hand clears up the confusion makes you understand what and why things happen.

Because it's the emotions that hurt us. Not our perception on what's logical or not logical.

I just don't get why ones emotions have to be involved at all. The emotions are not of the present they are not mine so why confuse me.
Logic wins when it comes to staying stable everytime.

I really wish that this were true Violet. But by processing the emotions part of it, I do think that things will be less confusing. In fact, you probably won't have to rely on what you call logic to be strong anymore if you can wade through those emotions that your trying to by-pass. I do the same thing - I shut down and try to be practical about certain things. But that usually leads me to repeating the same painful mistakes time and time again.

Thats all i want is stability. Emotions are too complex to understand or deal with They make me into someone i am not.

As I stated above, I think that some form of stability will come once you can sort through some of those emotions that you've never confronted. Those emotions may temporarily make you into someone you don't like, but then they'll also enable you to become that happy, strong person that I know you can be, if you're willing to do the hard work. :hug:

Daniel E.
Regarding the importance of emotions:
We live our lives through our emotions, and it is our emotions that give our lives meaning...

Pascal famously wrote "the heart has its reason which reason does not know"...

Without our emotions, we would not be capable of rational decision making at all...

Nothing is more immediate to us than our own emotions, but nothing about us is more prone to self-deception, suppression, lack of recognition, and even straightforward denial than our emotions. True to Our Feelings: What Our Emotions Are Really Telling Us
I have tried but sometimes the emotions get to strong and take over who i am. I think i understand the logic behind going there but it is not me that falls apart
I am sorry Last session i fell apart i was not to please with how it went.
This session i was prepared and held myself well but i felt the confusion starting. I will try to make sense of the emotions if that what my therapist and you think is necessary to heal.
Thanks I will also look up the book Daniel has said to read maybe this will give me more insight into what i am heading into.Thanks for your advice and insight
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