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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I'm not sure how successful you will be at ignoring them.

Try this: Ackowledge the thoughts. Identify them as simply your way of worrying, nothing more, nothing less. Don't give any special significance to them.

Let them come into your head. label them - oh, there's another one of those thoughts. Then just let them pass through you, flow through you. They are only insignificant thoughts and worries.

Don't fight them. But don't dwell on them.


I don't think that it is a stupid question at all. I didn't realize that you were speaking of senseless repetitive thoughts and not issues that are affecting your life today. If you don't feel that they are issues that are of concern to you then I don't see any reason to journal about them.

I would just suggest that you keep the option of journalling open in case you find that some of the repetitive thoughts are not senseless and need to be dealt with.


Hey there,
I'm having almost identical experiences, and I know its very frustrating to be tense all the time. I constantly worry about others watching me in order to criticize me so I start acting strange in order to please the people who I think are watching me, even if they are people that I know I really don't like. If you feel like you don't have the same "skills" as everyone else, your not alone. I always feel inadequate when it comes to social interactions, looking how other people socialize, it seems like it comes natural to them or something. Its good that you consulted a psychologist, and if you really liked them, I'd suggest going back and explaining that you really want to work on your issues. As far as him/her being mad at you for not completing the assignments-psychologists are trained to understand human behavior, so I don't think s/he would turn their back on you so quickly. With the issue of repetitive thoughts, this might be something separate from your social anxiety. There are so many replies on this topic, and sorry if its already been said, but again I think talking to your psychologist about these thoughts would be the best thing. I wish you good luck, happy thoughts, and I hope everything works out:)
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