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My sister recently turned 18. There's something wrong with her. What is anyone's guess though I think she fits the symptoms of bpd as well if not better than I ever did...but I'm not her T.

She's had 3 (4?) therapists in the last couple of years. A few have chosen to stop working with her. She's been diagnosed with everything from anxiety to depression to bipolar and back again.

For a while she seemed to be getting better, but recently she was put on topimax (hey, like me, how ironic). Her behavior has been odd, to say the least. My mom has been asking me about these things and I don't know. My sister said she wanted to bite my mom when she didn't drive fast enough, and apparently she was angry at my mother for not rescuing her *in her dream* the other night. Apparently she's also been experiencing a lot of anxiety.

My sister has the kind of behavior that would drive most people to slap her. She says off the wall stuff about you hating her because [fill in some ridiculous reason here] and if you disagree or ignore her will only be incited by it. I'm prone to think she has some kind of rage condition. When she was 16 she kicked me in the back (nearly laid me out) in the middle of a grocery store because I started to walk away while she was looking at something.

I mean, *really* irrational stuff, and unlike me who tended to turn things inward, she turns it outward, she reacts and blames others and tries to make *them* hurt. I don't think my mother should put up with it. I think that my sister is using the system to increase whatever illness she has, like "oh, I'm crazy therefore I'm not responsible for my own behavior."

She also recently told my mother that her therapist said that she "should get a hobby, like painting, or sex." and my sister has fixated on being offered permission to have sex freely.

She's barely passing school. It can't be our family because my father actually stopped being abusive about three years ago and he was always nicer to her than he was to us, my family has more money with her than with me or my brother (my parents are talking about *paying* for her school o_O ). And, why is it they keep rewarding her bad behavior? But, if they compare her to me or my brother she'll do something like threaten suicide or tell them they're horrible parents and lock herself in the bathroom.

I want to give advice to my mother but if I were her I probably would have told my sister to shape up and get real help or get out.

My sister also seems to go in phases, where she'll be good, and then...see above.

I was wondering if anyone, from my sadly meager description, might be able to suggest a course of action or anything I could say to my mom, or perhaps in the ballpark of what might be wrong with her? Also, perhaps how I could behave around her as I'll be there in two months and I'm not keen on being thrown into a drama without having a rational response prepared beforehand.
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