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It is known that the most successful people who have ever lived has used visualization and the Law Of Attraction to attain their success and it works!!! So I want to follow in their footsteps and visualize my own success with images and affirmations.

I have 3 major things I want to visualize into reality, but I am really having issues with visualizing them for some reason. I just don't know what to image in my mind. I don't know what pictures to draw in my mind that will create a positive emotional response.When I visualize, I see everything vaguely and I don't seem to understand how to visualize the end result, or even the process of attaining it.

Here are the 3 major things I want to visualize:
1. Success In My Network Marketing Business
2. Success At Finding Temperary Job When I Make The Move To California
3. Success At Attracting A Gorgeous Woman Once I Am Moved To California

How do I visualize success in my network business? What thoughts and what pictures do I need to image in my head that will create a positive emotional response to the vision?

What images should I be visualizing regarding finding a temperary job in California?

Visualizing a beautiful woman is easier then visualizing success in a business, but still its vague. What images should I be using in order to attract her? Do I need to image myself with her?

Anyway, I guess my biggest obstical is visualizing my network business succeeding (or me succeeding in the business). I just need some assistance on what kinds of images I need to see in succeeding in business. What pictures are most affective?

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