Hi there,
I am about 4.5 months sober and having an odd issue with identifying as an addict because of what I think my sister thinks about my treatment.
Basically I fear she thinks I am not an addict, or that I "shouldn't" affirm that I'm an addict, and that she doesn't support me getting help for various reasons. It's pretty complicated so bear with me.
I was never a non-functioning addict. I did cocaine on the weekends with massive detriments to my mental health, and drank almost every day, often to excess, almost always alone. Also I used to be a compulsive cannabis smoker and only managed to get that under control about 5 months before I sought help with quitting cocaine and alcohol.
I have two sisters and the oldest is a "hard core' addict. The other sister, the non-addict, is the one I feel doesn't support me. There are multiple reasons I feel this way, and it's not clear cut that she doesn't support me at all. She claims to support my healing and treatment, but it seems that she feels a need to control my experience and doesn't really support my involvement in AA. I think the reasons she doesn't support my AA work are:
1) it's not her particular brand of spirituality.
2) it requires affirming that you are an addict, which I think she views as unnecessary and unhealthy
3) I'm not as far gone as our older sister so she might feel I'm just doing it for attention or something
4) She used to counsel me and I went to her for support and guidance, which I no longer need from her because I don't trust her as much, I don't need her guidance, and I don't want to burden her because i was such a mess and it hurt her to see me like that. The point of this one is that I think she fears a loss of control and maybe a bit jealous to see her little brother make progress. She is a very jealous, insecure person.
So the obvious answer is to do what is right for me, and follow my heart, etc, but it's not that easy. My sister has a great deal of influence over me for some reason (I don't like it and I don't know why she does), so I'm finding it very difficult to just accept I'm an addict mostly for fear of what she will say.
How can I overcome this need to appease her and this fear of her opinion???
I am about 4.5 months sober and having an odd issue with identifying as an addict because of what I think my sister thinks about my treatment.
Basically I fear she thinks I am not an addict, or that I "shouldn't" affirm that I'm an addict, and that she doesn't support me getting help for various reasons. It's pretty complicated so bear with me.
I was never a non-functioning addict. I did cocaine on the weekends with massive detriments to my mental health, and drank almost every day, often to excess, almost always alone. Also I used to be a compulsive cannabis smoker and only managed to get that under control about 5 months before I sought help with quitting cocaine and alcohol.
I have two sisters and the oldest is a "hard core' addict. The other sister, the non-addict, is the one I feel doesn't support me. There are multiple reasons I feel this way, and it's not clear cut that she doesn't support me at all. She claims to support my healing and treatment, but it seems that she feels a need to control my experience and doesn't really support my involvement in AA. I think the reasons she doesn't support my AA work are:
1) it's not her particular brand of spirituality.
2) it requires affirming that you are an addict, which I think she views as unnecessary and unhealthy
3) I'm not as far gone as our older sister so she might feel I'm just doing it for attention or something
4) She used to counsel me and I went to her for support and guidance, which I no longer need from her because I don't trust her as much, I don't need her guidance, and I don't want to burden her because i was such a mess and it hurt her to see me like that. The point of this one is that I think she fears a loss of control and maybe a bit jealous to see her little brother make progress. She is a very jealous, insecure person.
So the obvious answer is to do what is right for me, and follow my heart, etc, but it's not that easy. My sister has a great deal of influence over me for some reason (I don't like it and I don't know why she does), so I'm finding it very difficult to just accept I'm an addict mostly for fear of what she will say.
How can I overcome this need to appease her and this fear of her opinion???