More threads by CrystalDreamer59

I've been to many therapist and no luck. I think simply just talking to someone isn't enough for me. I'm into art so I've been thinking about trying art therapy. The only problem with that is that it's kind of hard for me to put my emotions into my artwork and I'm not sure if it would work. Do you think art therapy might work for me? If so does anyone know of a good art therapist from Ohio.
Mentally challenged would be the proper wording now um and if you talk with this person you can relay your diagnosis with them and work from there It is worth a try
I'm not actually mental. At least I think I'm not. If I was mental I would be weak and useless right. However I do often have these thoughts arguing in my head over whether or not I should control people, which is why I need help.
Oh hun you do not understand mental illness or you would not be saying such things. Having mental illness does not make one weak and useless that is so very very wrong
There are many people who suffer from mental illness that are so strong and so productive It is an illness like any other illness
How is it that a person with a mental illness (Or anyone with any disablity) is able to be strong and productive? Maybe it's because they look at their strengths rather than their weaknesses. If that's the case then what are my strengths?


How is it that a person with a mental illness (Or anyone with any disablity) is able to be strong and productive?

Not every mental illness impairs a person's ability to function in a productive environment. Some illnesses may impair certain abilities to organize or to plan, but an illness such as anxiety or depression may hamper a person's ability on difficult days when symptoms are strong, but they might be able to to get bay on the better days.

Mental or psychiatric illnesses are often caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, in the same way diabetes is a chemical imbalance in the pancreas.

These are physical illnesses that can often be treated with the right prescribed medication which might be combined with appropriate psychotherapy.

It's important to be seen by a doctor who can evaluate you to determine what your diagnosis might be. Once the diagnosis on known, then treatment options will be proposed and you can then, in consultation with your doctor, you choose the treatment option that makes the best sense for you.

Have you ever received a diagnosis and has a treatment plan ever been suggested?
I was diagnosed as autistic, but I find it hard to believe because I've had my IQ scored and it's somewhere in the average range. By the way I'm scared of doctors because they always label me negatively.
No hun they do not label you negatively. The doctors give you a diagnosis so they can not treat the diagnosis with medication and therapy. You your perception see the doctors actions as negative I have trouble with my perception of doctors as well hun Your doctor wants only to be able to help you
YOur doctor is very educated and is capable of diagnosing you hun If you want to build up you abilities to cope then working with your doctors and therapist will help trusting them will go along way.
Educating yourself about your illness and about what has helped others with the same illness will help too hun but remember everyone is different so will respond to each therapy or medication in their own ways.

Keep talking with your doctor okay ask questions it helps
I don't think most people do think that hun People are more aware of what autism is and that there is many levels of autism

Mentally Challenged individuals have learning difficulties but do not have the same symptoms as autism

They are two different illnesses all together.
There seriously are people out there who think autism is bad and want to cure it. If Autism isn't bad and is instead something that makes someone unique why take their uniqueness away from them. I guess what I'm saying is why can't people understand and appreciate those who are different.


why can't people understand and appreciate those who are different.

Your question is very wise and shows you have insight into the shortcomings of some people. Not everyone thinks that way, and I'm sorry that you may have encountered some who do.

Sadly, there is lack of awareness among many people in connection with certain kinds of illnesses or disorders. Sometimes this lack of awareness is caused by ignorance, by unsubstantiated myths, by prejudice even by superstition.

None of it can be justified, but people who live with disorders like autism, aspergers, some types of mental illness, disorders like Tourette Syndrome frequently are misjudged by people not for who they are and the wonderful people they happen to be, but they judge them for the way they may seem because they may behave in a slightly different way from the general population.

Being different is what makes you special, Crystal Dreamer and it makes you who you are.

You may need to figure out how to deal with the world based on your own "normal" but there are support organizations available to help you do that.

If you are indeed diagnosed as autistic, then I would encourage you to contact the local support organization that specializes in helping people with autism.

Have you ever been in contact with such an organization, Crystal Dreamer?
No I haven't found an organization in my area for people with autism. I guess I'll have to do a search.

edit: I did a little bit of searching and it seems most of the autism groups are groups that want to get rid of autism instead of seeing it as something unique.
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