More threads by CrystalDreamer59

I tried calling the art therapist and I got nothing. I also emailed another therapist who's not an art therapist, but is into art like I am and still nothing. I'm starting to think that maybe I should stop looking for someone to help me with my emotions.
I just got an email back from the therapist I emailed and I emailed back asking If maybe I could just have one or two visits with her to figure out if I think she'll help me or not as I'm worried that she may not be able to help me because I have seen so many therapist and none have helped.
I finally got an email back and she said that she's leaving this week for two weeks, but that she could refer me to another person who I could see this week. I told her I would like to schedule an appointment with this other person and gave her my cell phone number.

---------- Post Merged at 08:31 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 04:46 PM ----------

I got an apointment set up for August 1 sometime between 6pm and 9pm not sure of the exact time yet.


Thanks for the update, CrystalDreamer! You are taking some important and courageous steps for yourself, so you must feel pleased with your accomplishment.

Do keep us posted on your progress!
I had my first meeting and I think this therapist can help me. I told her how I like art and she she said that we'll do some art therapy. We're also going to go over an anger work book together. I looked at it and it has you track your anger for twelve weeks.


I looked at it and it has you track your anger for twelve weeks.

This is really helpful, because it should allow you to identify situations that might trigger angry responses. Knowing that, you can learn strategies to either avoid those situations or diffuse them if they begin.

You will probably find the new learning experience helpful and informative!
I looked over the the anger management book and it mentions about listing what makes you angry and trying to avoid those things. I also remember it mentioned about assertiveness which is something I have a problem with since I always want people to see my way instead of meeting in the middle with others.


assertiveness ..........instead of meeting in the middle with others.

Discuss this with your therapist, because I think you will find these are two separate life skills to be learned, not always linked together, but often useful when combined.

Assertiveness is a skill that requires practice and fine tuning, because this skill needs to be used carefully, depending on circumstances. Used indiscriminately, overly assertive people appear absolutely obnoxious!

Then compromise and negotiation, that sometimes need some degree of assertiveness, and when used together can be powerful tools when interacting with others.
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