More threads by squirt2


This is a tricky introduction for me as I don't know how to start or how much background to get into to set the stage for my help question, so please bear with me and let me know if more info would assist.

My sister and I are only 18 months apart and have been very close since we were little. We are now in our 60's and call each other weekly; try to visit every couple of years (live in different countries) and have always supported each other through good times and bad. We have had our differences now and again, but have always managed to work through them and i.e. forgive and forget.

My sister visited me in 2005 and I visited her in 2007. She wanted to come for another visit this year and although I always enjoy seeing her, found myself in a very busy year and guess I didn't encourage her enough. I'm still working part-time as a labourer and also landscaping my own place. My sister is fully retired and has a lot of time on her hands. The other side of the coin is that I need to share up my visits with my wife's side of the family, so in between, we are flying off to see them and do try to balance the visits between each side of the families. Guess I'm just one of those guys who enjoys family visits, but do like my own space and prefer to see them every coupla years instead of every year...

The last few conversations with my sister were reasonable but rather cool on her part and we discussed openly our feelings on getting together again this year. She has now accused me of only wanting to see her when it suits me and has virtually given me the silent treatment. Guess I'm being punished and maybe rightly so?!? I have called her several times and sent emails but she will not return any of them and this is eating me up. I'm feeling so guilty but at the same time, part of me feels she's being a little unreasonable. Would appreciate any suggestions or advice on how to mend this rift as my sister is all the family I have and I value our friendship. She's hurt and I can't seem to get through to her.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
There may not be much you can do, squirt, other than what it seems you've already done or tried to do, explaining to her what your situation was last year and how much your relationship with your sister means to you.

Sometimes, the other person has to be willing to do some of the work, too.
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