More threads by murad


Hi All,

Nathan here from Australia, got to know this forum through Google, I'm in mid mid 30's now married with children and as much I as would like to avoid seeing an actual psychologist I would prefer to share my thoughts, stress and grief through online forums.

I would certainly hope through majority opinions and comments I could obtain a larger picture and to prove I'm not the only one who feels miserable, depress and stress out there.

Nothing much to say at this point of time, anyways 'hi!'



Resident Canuck
:hithere: Nathan. :welcome: to Psychlinks

It is a great place here.

I just wanted to say, seeing a Psychologist, Psychiatrist or Therapist can make a world of difference in helping us cope.

I would highly recomend it, when you are ready. There is hope and ways to feel better.

We have all been there, but most with the help of professionals are leading happier lives.

The best way to feel better is to seek a professional for a diagnosis (it is not possable to diagnosis properly online) and find treatment options that are best for you.

It is a big step, but we will all cheer you on and when you do take that step, we will celebrate with you.

Sorry for the loss of your brother :support:

Again :welcome: to Psychlinks


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Welcome from a fellow Aussie :)

I'm sure you'll find a lot of useful information here. I hope that it will help.
Just to say from personal experience I put off seeing a therapist for a good few years. I started e-mail therapy for a while and he encouraged me to seek face-to-face T, which I did (was very difficult for me as am quite shy). It took a few attempts to find one that I felt might help...
I hope you find some support here.


Hi Murad and welcome to the forum.

I've noticed that you would rather not see an actual psychologist and was wondering what's causing that. Did you have a bad experience?


Hi Murad and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around :wave:
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