More threads by Atlantean



OK. So let me give a quick review so anyone new to the forum or who may have missed out on the latest unwanted drama in my life can catch up to speed.

My husband and I had separated, had a few discussions on reconciliation and the last one that totally broke my heart was when he told me some easy girl hed been with was pregnant, and it could be his. He also informed me that he was still seeing someone up to the very point that were speaking, and I just told him "don't call back, don't come back'.

Well the hugeness on finding out this new information on top of having all my regained trust and hope crushed like a jellybean under a dinosaur (dont know where I came up with that one, but oh, well...). It should be noted I tried my heardest to find someone to contact that night before I drank, mom was working, pat and kent were out of town, and I even paged my therapist. ...Nothin. So yeah, after having almost a month sober ( really isnt a big deal because I was never a complete drunk and/or frequent drinker, anyway)I blew it and got some beer, we went to my neighbors house and we drank some beer. Just a 12-pack, no big deal not talking like getting crap-faced or whatever, just to social interaction and emotional letting it out of tossing a few back (over a several hours period) then going back home and doing my thing. That was wednesday, the 29th.

Skip ahead to Tuesday, 7th April. I(m on the couch (so to speak) and I confide that I blew my sobriety and was having thoughts in my head of drinking, but that I hadnt since that night)..

Now Skip ahead to the point where On Friday, Child Protective Services knocks on my door with a cop and takes my son from me. At first I thought it was the enraged ex husband, or some trick of his to try to take Alex from me, but the next day for some reason I called Dr. {edit: removed name} and I asked him point blank if he was the one who did it, and he confessed. So I acknowledged that I appreciated his honesty, told him to cancel all future appts we had scheduled for the next month, but let him know that I thought he was out of bounds, but again that I respected his honesty on the matter.

I mean at what point to you cross the line between what's okay and what's not okay to tell your therapist without dire repercussions from it? I mean, the charge in concern for lack of supervision, but that's ridiculous, I mean not only was my son safely in his car seat for the entire time, but the woman's daughter and son-in-law were there and they were stone cold sober.

And when I say "I blew my sobriety", does he have automatic connotations come to mind that now all of the sudden Im going to turn into some rip-roaring, biker-chain wearing drunk with a Harley and some cheek less leather chaps or something, because that obviously was what it meant to me. I simply meant Id blown it, but it was a one time thing, not to be an ongoing problem or anything like that.

I mean where does he get off?

And now, hopefully I get my son back tomorrow, but god, what I I don't, how will I cope with this?
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Account Closed
Re: Over zealous thereapists who cuase more harm than good

Thank you for posting Starr. I'm so sorry you've been through this. And my heart aches for you. Sincerely.

I'm really praying that you get Alex back tomorrow- with all of my heart Starr. Did he explain why he did what he did?

:hug: :hug: :heart:


Re: Over zealous thereapists who cuase more harm than good

Thank you for posting Starr. I'm so sorry you've been through this. And my heart aches for you. Sincerely.

I'm really praying that you get Alex back tomorrow- with all of my heart Starr. Did he explain why he did what he did?

:hug: :hug: :heart:

He was concerned that night I got drunk there was a lack of 'supervision', when over a four or five hour period I only had 7-8, and the other woman had four or five, and there were two other adults present.
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Thanks Dr. Baxter. I really appreciate it. At least I know and I won't go around sounding like a raving lunatic saying my ex husband set me up, since I know the truth from calliing just now.


Resident Canuck
Sorry to hear what happened Atlantean. You will be in my thoughts and well wishes tomorrow for your son.

:support: :hug:
that sounds horrible, atlantean, i am so sorry for what happened. where is your son right now? is he in foster care? have you been allowed to see him?
I hope your son is back with you soon Atlantean and that he is not to frightened by this whole ordeal. I'm sure therapist thought he was doing what was best for your son but why did he not call you first. I don't understand.


I am sorry that this happened to you Atlantean and I hope that you get your son back tomorrow....keeping my fingers crossed :crossfingers:

Take care
:hug: :hug:


Thanks to everyone for the overflowing support and words of kindness that have been expressed. Im sorry for not checking in earlier, I just havent really had it in my to get up and check the forums with everything going on, you know?

I dont know why if he was so concerned he didnt probe the area further to find out if there was even cause for concern, but he didnt. HE just jumped to conclusions and reaffirmed everything I hate about american trained counselors and psychiatrists. He was just a licensed Clinical Social Worker. What a JOKE.

I getting to the boiling point just thinking about it. Its just not the same without alex here.


Account Closed
Don't worry about not checking in Starr. You have a full plate right now...You're in my thoughts and so is Alex. What is happening tomorrow with CPS? Do you know when you can have Alex back?
You have a right to be angry Atlantean he should have checked into the situation before doing what he did. I hope and pray you will have your son back soon. take care mary


Tomorrow I go to court and the judge says if Alex gets to come home or not. Say a few prayers for me. I need all the help I can get on this one. Ive heard nightmare stories about CPS, but everyone around me or who knows me has always said that I am a great mother, so I am really trying to visualize it going well.
I hope you have alot of support there with you when you go to the courthouse Atlantean and yes i believe you will have your son home with you soon. I will pray with all my heart that all goes well tommorrow take care mary


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Thinking of you :hug:

I hope that things go well tomorrow.


Thanks everyone for all your support and prayers. I am leaving in around half an hour for court, Ill give it my best. I talked to a doctor who is in the know, and he says that based on what I told him, this could be a serious case of breach of confidentiality. Id love to get this jerks license pulled.

I mean seriously, what a joke.
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