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Does anyone know of a psychiatrist near Cornwall but not in Cornwall but willing to take out of town patients. There isn't many in Cornwall and I already tried 3 that were not right for me. They didn't listen to me especially when I tried telling them what medication works for me and stuff. The last one I saw I saw her 3 times. Each time it was for 15 minutes. She said I had anger issues and need an anti psychotic drug; but would not increase my depression medication. She told me if I wasn't happy I didn't have to see her anymore. I didn't. I got my family DR to increase my depression medication and I did improve some.

I even got a psychoanalyst who is on my side but I see him about every 2 to 3 weeks and would like to have somebody else. I had a Case Manager from the Mental Health unit who helped me work on my self esteem. But she just went back to school to get her Masters Degree. I could have had another case manager but I didn't really want to work on goals more then just counseling.

I have contacted the Family Counseling Center and got put on there waiting list which mean about 2 to 3 months wait. At a fee of $40 a visit for a short term of around 3 months
I could have went back to Tri county Mental Health or the outpatient of the local hospital but I had bad experiences with both. One didn't believe medication would solve my problem and that I don't do things around the house because I just don't want to. Not true just at times the more depressed I am the harder it is to take care of my house.
The outpatient resources I saw a few years ago to get my ADHD diagnoses the DR wrote down on his report that I have low normal borderline intelligence. I am very smart I just need to learn differently due to some learning problems but I am not dumb.
I tried to get a shrink in Ottawa but was told that they don't take out of town patients. I was told that last year when after visiting my neurologist I stopped by the ER to talk to somebody about finding a shrink.

Any advice would be appreciated



I have never heard of an Ottawa Psychiatrist not taking out of town patients although to be honest I don't have a lot of "intimate" knowledge of their practices. What I do know is that the standard waiting time for a Psychiatrist in Ottawa is close to one year. It is definitely a long wait but worth maybe getting your GP to get some referrals out there for you.

I am sorry that the 3 from Cornwall haven't worked for you so far, it sounds rough. Are there only 3 available? I am glad that you have a Psychoanalyst and of course your GP who are behind you.

If I think of anything else for the area, I will let you know.
Hi Halo thanks. Actually I think there is only 4 but the 4th one I didn't hear good things about him. I didn't realize the waiting time was so long. In Cornwall I usually wait 3 months.
The DR I had I asked to be diagnosed for ADHD her answer was it's not done with a blood test. I told her I know that. I was seeing her for 4 years when I asked her that. All that time she suspected I had ADHD but never said a word to me. Thought treating my anxiety was more important. My anxiety was due to my ADHD. She wouldn't give me the typical ADHD medication. She believed in the type of drugs she had me try in those 4 years which didn't help me at all and it affect my cholesterol and sugar levels. Once I found a DR who would give some ADHD medication my anxiety cut almost in half. Now that I had my medication increased it's helped get rid of my anxiety by 75%. It's still bad but compared to before it is better.

It's hard when most professional medical people have totally different opinion then your own and some think you are making a big deal over nothing or the ones that think you have anger issues but you don't except being angry at people for not getting to really know you and see the shy person you are.
My Psychoanalyst is also a GP so he knows about meds and stuff and he validates 100% of what I tell him. It is nice to have somebody totally on your side especially when you don't have much support elsewhere.
I have to go to Ottawa on Tuesday to see a new Neurologist at 11 am. My other Neurologist sent me to this new one. One of the best in Canada. But while in Ottawa I would love to make a stop to a DR office(shrink) to ask about anybody taking new patients. But I have to be home by 3pm so I can go to physio therapy due to a work related injury.

Thanks again


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
You might be able to find someone or get a referral from Brockville, sue. I believe there is a Tri-County outlet there as well as various psychiatrists at Brockville Psychiatric Hospital, some of whom have private practices as well. There's also an outreach program and several support groups run by social workers.

Try seeing if you can get the number at Brockville Psychiatric Hospital for a Dr. McFeely. I have no idea if he's taking new patients, though.
Thanks Dr Baxter. I checked the College of Physician and Surgeon of Ontario and DR McFeely is taking new patient.
I was looking at his term and conditions and notice it was different then others I have seen.
Terms and Conditions

So is this DR open to really listening to his patients? I was told by my psychoanalyst that the normal dose of medication isn't always strong enough that it has something to do with my metabolism.

Halo I just got you reply I love the CPSO website I had it bookmarked long ago so I can learn more about the other DRS I see or want to see.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
While I don't know him well, I have worked with Dr. McFeely on a couple of cases and met him socially. He strikes me as an open and competent psychiatrist.
Thank You DR Baxter you have made my day. I need a Shrink who I can talk to and and who can dispense out medication. Would you know the about the wait time?

Thanks again on Tuesday I will his office and find out if he takes out of town patients. I need a DR so bad. Somebody to listen to me and to get to know the real me.
I wish I could call today.
My Family don't really know I am looking for a DR. My brother use to work on the psychiatric ward in Cornwall for about 15 years as an RPN and he worries about everyone in the family. If he knew He would probably keep an eye on me more and I would hate that. My family don't understand me and they sometimes judge me.
So I wish today was Tuesday and I hope I don't have to wait to long to see a DR I can use one today. I hate my life so much right now. I am just fed up with everything. Everyday is such a struggle. I feel there is no more fight in me.
I have to go back to work on Wednesday after being on Holidays and I don't want to go back but I need the money.

Thanks everyone


It's Sunday morning and I am in the mood for a beer and I haven't even taken my meds yet. I know I am not suppose to mix a beer with meds but I just don't care.
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Be aware that Dr. McFeely primarily specializes in forensic psychiatry so I'm not sure that he would take you on as a new patient. However, he may be able to suggest someone.

Don't forget the Tri-County unit in Brockville as a possible source as well.
Thank You Dr Baxter the college website say he is taking new patients so I will call on Tuesday.
I just called the crisis line but didn't feel the woman to being very helpful to me. But she was nice.
I might have to og to the ER later in the day I just took my meds about 45 minutes ago and now I am drinking a beer so I can't drive now and I don't feel like walking to the hospital or take a taxi.
I am falling apart mentally and I am starting to get the shakes from all the stress I feel right now.
Do you know of Andrew patrick Jordan? he is from Brockville taking new patients



David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
No, I don't. I only know a couple of psychiatrists in Brockville, though.

Make sure you don't drink another one of those beers, though, okay?
Thanks Dr Baxter I won't drink more then 1 I don't like the taste that much and I want to be able to drive my car later this afternoon. I am just afraid that if I go to the ER I will see my brother. He works at the hospital near the ER area and a friend of his is part of the crisis team. I just feel uncomfortable afraid to meet up with him and have him questioning the reason I am there. I am not a good liar.

Thanks ITl easier said then done. He would tell everyone in the family he saw me in the ER and would ask them if they knew why then they would ask me the next time I saw them or they would call me.


i know that would be really unpleasant but you would have to stick to your guns. tell them it was personal - anyone who asks. yes it would be a nuisance but you have a right to your privacy.

you do not owe anyone any explanations.
Hi ITL I went to the ER and they called a team in. They helped me a bit but I was expecting more, They suggested that i call the CMHA and get another case manager to replace the one that is leaving. I asked about needing more counseling and they said if you have to many counselors they might not have the same approaching in treating me. They want me to ask my psychoanalyst if he can find a way to squeeze me in every 2 week or to put me on his cancellation list. They also told me to call the crisis hot line everyday if I have to.

I am still feeling depress and in I don't give a damn attitude which I am trying to get out of. That is my main problem. Why is living so hard to do.

I went to the CMHA and I to re-register and then I went to Ottawa to see a new Neurologist. While I was away the CMHA called me wanted to know the reason I want to rejoin and what are my problems. So I left the Lady a voice mail and tomorrow if she tries to reach me again I will try to get a hold of her.
My Visit with my Neuro was so my other Neuro could a second opinion. My nerves are almost normal. Very little sign of me having CIDP. It seems it is mostly my tendinitis causing me problem and my back. I did manage to get a copy of the electromyography showing the results of my zap test but need to google information on how to read the test.
I still don't feel better even it was good news. It doesn't fix my tendinitis I have had for way to long. I still have to go to work tomorrow. The DR though I was on sick leave due to my work related injury(paid by WSIB). But no such luck.

I don't want to go to work but I need the money. Life stinks.

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