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Thanksgiving is coming up soon,and as usual,as a holiday approaches,I am wondering why I don't remember any holidays from my childhood and wondering if that's unusual or if it's normal.

I don't remember any Thanksgivings from my childhood at all,not even as a teenager.I'm not even sure if we celebrated or not,because I don't remember any.I asked my sister,but she doesn't know because she doesn't remember either.

As a matter of fact,I don't remember any other holidays either.Not Christmas,not Easter,not any of them.I do have a few bits and pieces of memory about one Christmas,but only because I got a bike and my brother took a hammer and destroyed it.

I guess it's just best to ask since I am other people remember holidays from their childhood?Do most people remember,or very few? It's not something I go around asking in real life because I don't want to seem weird if people do remember,but I feel it's ok to ask here.
I don't know hun i think we remember things that do stand out perhaps the holidays were just turmoil

I don't remember many things at all but like you i remember one incident and it was quite sad actually

I think if there was a reason to remember we do but if there is not reason then the thoughts are like every other day and they have no special need to be set aside for us to remember them

I hope that makes sense hugs


Thanks. And yes, it does make sense.

But it still doesn't answer my question. I want to know if the 'average' person does remember stuff like that.
I'm not sure how to answer your question, short of searching around for or conducting a study and trying to get a non-biased sample of people.


Well I'm not expecting anyone to conduct a survey or anything.

Maybe I should have just asked if others here remember holidays as a child to make it less complicated I guess.

So...does anyone here remember holidays from their childhood?

There,that's a simple question that only requires a yes or no answer.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Bah humbug - the memories I have of holidays are largely "unpleasant" . They were not the holidays depicted in tv commercials and movies or in Norman Rockwell paintings. To escape them I run away and go on vacation.
Short answer: yes

Long answer:
Well I remember bits and pieces that were almost always good. Mostly Christmas because that was more memorable for me (probably because of the Xmas tree being something visual to remember, as well as activities we had to do around that time of year like visiting relatives). I don't remember full details of anything, just snapshots (eg. putting chocolate advent calenders on the piano [because where else would you put them...? :rolleyes: ] and trying to save up a week's worth of chocolate to eat at once, assembling the plastic christmas tree one time when it kept breaking apart, being in charge of 'fixing' the cardboard decorations, 'attacking' the hallway decoration every time I walked past it, playing with my brother's new karate fighter toys that he'd got for Xmas where you had to turn the knob back and forth to make them fight and we'd get REALLY sore wrists from fighting but would still beat all the adults we challenged to play, collecting snails in my grandma's backyard and getting itchy from her gross carpet etc.). I remember enough to know I had fun and that we definitely celebrated it.


LIT... what a fabulous topic... so much potential. Christmas is an ideal - and what can measure up to that? Only the movies....
My favourite memory? The first year we were in our new house, and I was eight. What a beauty! Our Christmas tree that year was
a thing of magic. I would get up in the middle of the night to pee and sneak a peek at it. We left the lights on all night, just so that Santa
wouldn't miss us...and other things were happening in the family that were scary or sad - but nothing has tarnished that memory.

Over the years we've had great moments and frightening ones... 2004 we slept underneath the tree, because my husband and I thought that it was romantic. But I already knew that my lab results would be not good. Even though I hadn't actually been to the hospital yet...

Well - it all passed... that Christmas.. the chemo... the radiation.. the international move... the death of both my parents...

And now here I am trying to figure out how I can cook a turkey on my BBQ. My husband is Korean, and doesn't seem to understand the importance of an oven to a Canadian woman - WELL REALLY!

Wait 'til I send him out to try and find the Holly and the Ivy....:lol:



LIT... You're making me think of the movie The Sound of Music, and the song: These Are a Few of My Favourite Things. Yes, it is rather sucky - but so charming!...All about the beauty of the simplest things in life... and has become part of my Christmas ritual. The story is based on the actual Von Trapp family... who ended up in Vermont.


LIT... You're making me think of the movie The Sound of Music, and the song: These Are a Few of My Favourite Things.

All I keep thinking about is the movie "A Christmas Story". That's my favorite holiday movie. Gotta love Ralphie!
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