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if you are awoken by a loud voice early in the moring that dosent seem like part of a dream but just like someone calling to wake you in a loud camanding voice. but giving you a message. that is related to the dream. would this be considered a halluanation sorry for bad spelling.


For me, I think it would be part of the dream although I have had hallucinations when fully awake. When I am sleepy or asleep, I just consider them part of the dream although I guess they could be considered hallucinations. :confused: I guess it depends a lot on how you feel about them. They have never bothered me enough to mention them to my doctor. They do not seem to have any negative impact on my life, although it may be very different from what you are experiencing. :dimples: Mari


Like the "in-between-time". If it happened to me every morning for month's, (or even weeks) I would tell my doctor for certain, but that's just me.

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Resident Canuck
I have this same thing occour.

Is this just common with Psychiatric patients or does this happen with the "average joe" as well?

I have hear voices when awake too, on occasion. Maybe that is why some people think I am stupid cause if someone calls out to me, I never answer. I am assuming for now that they are all "outside" voices, unless I see someone visually at the same time. lol
thanks every one. i am reading your links DR Baxter i havent read them all yet. but one part i enjoyed reading i am pasting here


This process can even lead to genuine insight into a problem, a well known example being the story of August Kekul??s discovery of the structure of benzene.[citation needed] Similarly, the teenaged Karl Gauss obtained an insight during a hypnagogic reverie into how to construct a 17-sided polygon.[citation needed] Many other artists, writers, scientists and inventors ? including Beethoven, Richard Wagner, Walter Scott, Thomas Edison and Isaac Newton ? have credited hypnagogia and related states with enhancing their creativity.[44] A widely cited instance of what could well be this phenomenon is the story of the composition of the Devil's Trill violin sonata by Giuseppe Tartini. Tartini dreamt that the devil appeared at the end of his bed and played the violin with otherwordly mastery. Tartini woke and immediately began writing the virtuoso music down, though managed only to transcribe what he painfully felt to be a massively inferior version of what he had heard in his sleep;[citation needed] incidentally, such loss of memory of the dreamt events is a common circumstance of dreams.[citation needed

i thought this was really cool. another time with a similar experience than the one that caused me to post the queistion. i woke and had a short story that i just had to write.
it came as a strange urge. i got right up this time in the middle of the night after having a strange dream. and just started writing this story.
i had never wrote anything before but over the next couple days i became obsesed with writing what in the end became a fun short story slash poem for my son and neices and newphews. directly spawned from what seemed more like a visson than a dream. as some might say the mind works in mysterious ways or is that the heart the perverbaly heart that is. reminds my of a quote from a favorite movie " its a fool that looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart Delmar" :D

just had to link this isnt you tube grand

and another just for fun
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