More threads by arboria


I?d like to introduce myself to the group. I have had a difficult year, with several events causing a significant amount of stress. My natural state is to keep things to myself, which isolates me from gaining insight from other people?s perspectives. Things can grow too big in one?s head, and in directions that are neither healthy nor realistic. Since I find it difficult to open up and trust people, I decided to start online to ease my way into it.

The event that immediately preceded my membership here is that my mother died last month. I am 31 years old, female, and both of my parents have passed away (my father died in 2000). I resent being an orphan at this age, as I wasn?t yet done with my parents. My mother died on the 10th of December, so my holidays were horrible. I am also from another country, so holidays were hard to begin with, being far from my family. I have lived in Ottawa for 3 years and still haven?t planted roots, so I feel isolated because of this too.

Upon returning home from my mother?s funeral, my husband was laid off from his job. Everything is so unpredictable right now.

My background includes diagnoses of PTSD (although I don?t think this factors much into my day-to-day life any longer- I was at the acute stage in 1999), major depression and schizoaffective disorder. I am also a compulsive eater, which I have begun to face only recently by reading a couple of Geneen Roth?s books on the subject. (I highly recommend them to anyone struggling with this problem.)
I studied psychology in university, so I have a good foundation for learning to cope and improve upon myself. I am currently unemployed and starting school again in February, aiming for a web development certificate.

I need perspective. I find myself hypersensitive to ?irritants? right now; I am angry and am not sure why (this happened when my father died as well.) Part of the issue I think might be that I feel vulnerable and am pushing people away, mostly my husband and sister, with my anger. I have a very low level of optimism right now, I believe the world is a nasty place and I think humans are rather dismal as well. I need a safe place to discuss these things without overburdening my few friends. There is a lot more to my story, but I think this will suffice for now. I look forward to talking with all of you.

(I found the website a couple of years ago after a brief meeting with Dr. Baxter and one of his associates. I rediscovered it as I searched for a bereavement support group and found this forum.)

Daniel E.
Re: reaching out

Welcome to the forum, arboria.

My condolences about the loss of your parents.


Re: reaching out

Hi Arboria and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I am sorry to hear about the passing of both your parents...I can only imagine how you must feel. My heart goes out to you.

I hope that you will find some of the great articles and resources here helpful and I look forward to seeing you around the forum :wave:


Account Closed
Re: reaching out

Welcome to Psychlinks. :hello:

I too am sorry to hear about your parents passing. And I am glad you found us once again.


Resident Canuck
Re: reaching out

:welcome: to Psychlinks Arboria :hithere:

Sorry to hear of the loss of your parents :support: I hope you can find some comfort here with us. This is a great group of compassionate and caring individuals.

Again :welcome: glad you are here :)


Re: reaching out

Hi arboria :hello:
Welcome back to PsychLinks.

..Things can grow too big in one?s head...
Yes, I find that too.

...Since I find it difficult to open up and trust people, I decided to start online to ease my way into it.
Sounds like a good idea :)

...The event that immediately preceded my membership here is that my mother died last month. I am 31 years old, female, and both of my parents have passed away (my father died in 2000). I resent being an orphan at this age, as I wasn?t yet done with my parents....
I'm terribly sorry for your loss.

...I have lived in Ottawa for 3 years and still haven?t planted roots, so I feel isolated because of this too....
I hope that you can be able to socialize to meet other people soon.

..Upon returning home from my mother?s funeral, my husband was laid off from his job....
You're copping everything at once. I'm so sorry :heart:

...I am also a compulsive eater, which I have begun to face only recently by reading a couple of Geneen Roth?s books on the subject. (I highly recommend them to anyone struggling with this problem.)...
Me too..
Geneen Roth is very good, an early writer on the subject. Another good writer on the subject is Susie Orbach ("Fat is a Feminist Issue" - Books I & 2). Though I've found that nothing helps me so much as working on other issues that keep me wanting to be overweight. <lol>

...starting school again in February, aiming for a web development certificate..
That's great! And you should make new friends there too :)

...I need a safe place to discuss these things without overburdening my few friends...
I trust that you will find that here.

For now,



Account Closed
Re: reaching out

Welcome to psychlinks Arboria.

I also wanted to express my sincerest condolences for the loss of your mother and father.


Welcome arboria,
I know for myself, I have found this site to be very supportive and very validating... I hope that it can do the same thing for you. What you have struggled with is very difficult, and I commend you for taking the steps to open up on this site and asking for the help and support. Welcome. I am so sorry to hear what has happened. My heart breaks for you.
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