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I don't know whether to classify what I'm feeling as depression or anxiety. It's a mixture of both, I guess you could say I have a very anxious way of dealing with depression. In any case.. my roommate just confessed to me that she thinks I'm self-destructive. But then when I asked her why, she kind of backed down, and now I'm left alone with this comment... wondering.

I'm a really hard worker, but there are times, especially when I get upset about something, that I stop eating and sleeping and taking care of myself. I like to think of this as being a hopeless romantic. The reason I've been upset for recently is over a guy. I wish I could just shake him off. I wish I didn't think about him all the time and wonder what was going on in his mind, what went wrong, if he hates me, does he feel guilty about something.. ? I know that I think about it entirely too often. It usually helps to go out and distract myself, but it's only been a week after all.

But sometimes I guess I can be negative, sometimes I pay attention to too many details, and analyze way too much. What is wrong with my mind? I know it's really active, and I can't control it. It's so hard though because my job demands that I work a lot. I'm an architect. But I'm also a 26 year old girl that thinks too much and thinks she can read peoples minds at times.

I guess I also have to mention that my college sweet heart long ago developed paranoid schizophrenia. We were together for 3.5 years, and I tried to take care of him when he went crazy. I think that some of his nervous habits, insomnia, and paranoia have rubbed off on me. I wonder how to deal with this without making people think I'm a freak?

Daniel E.
Of course, feelings and thoughts concerning romantic love tend to be intense and obsessive even when things are going well. When things aren't going so well, love sickness can bring:

depression – tearfulness, insomnia, loss of concentration

OCD – preoccupation, checking (e.g. text messages/emails, etc.), and hoarding valueless but superstitiously resonant items

psychologically created physical symptoms, such as upset stomach, change in appetite, insomnia, dizziness, and confusion.


Love Sick: Love as a Mental Illness

g-scared said:
I...wonder what was going on in his mind

Maybe less than you think. I know it's a stereotype but it's generally true: men tend to be simpler creatures, less encumbered by such ruminations and analysis. This is one point of the book
He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys.
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Man, that title: He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys., hit me like a brick. I don't like to make generalizations about the sexes, but perhaps you are right as well that there is not much thought going on in his head. I am sure it could not possibly compare the to quantity of time I have wasted thinking about him.

I don't know if thinking so much is constructive or destructive, but at least I am not going around in circles. I feel like I've almost resolved this one. Thanks!
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