More threads by Cat Dancer


MVP, Forum Supporter
Hey, good job LIT - acceptance and allowance of thoughts and feelings, that can be very useful sometimes - sometimes the fighting or feeling of 'pushing it away' kind of heightens everything, doesn't it.

... Ooh, that's an interesting idea of Jolly's, too... I wonder if you had a lovely pretty shrub that you do like, sometimes you could just go nasty on it and make it look horrible.... Don't know, maybe it could scratch that itch a bit, but then you don't have to wear the consequences everywhere you go...

Hope you manage to get through it somehow and keep your longer hair that you do want....


I found my happy place about six months ago with my hair. It's shaved on one side and long and blue on the other. I really like it and it seems to work for me. The crazy urges don't come anymore.


The urge came back yesterday.So I jumped in the car and went and had it cut. I'm glad I did,it took away the urge to want to chop it off myself.I got quite a few inches cut off and felt satisfied with it.

I think I'm going to go have it trimmed once per month,in the hopes that keeping it nice looking will overpower the urge to destroy it.
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