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MVP, Forum Supporter
Hmmm.... maybe he's just not so much the getting out there / superhero / fighting Magneto type.... Maybe he'll be happy sticking with quiet study indoors under Professor Xavier. :)


I just checked his jar. He's not in it, and he's not still wandering around where he was, so I'm thinking he may have decided the wild life isn't so bad after all. There is a colony of free-range mice in the small shed next to where I released him, so maybe he's discovered girls?



MVP, Forum Supporter
New X-Mice Plot Twist!!! :D :D

(Presumably complete with mutant / nonmutant relationship spice and drama.... ) :mouse: :inlove:


I'm baaaaack.....

Sorry for being away for so long. It's been.... busy. As usual.

By mid-May, my boyfriend's workplace had gotten so unmanageable after two of the senior people left that he quit (did I mention that the owner/boss had a stroke around Xmas and had almost totally abdicated any responsibility, leaving the place largely adrift in chaos since he was the lynchpin in the workflow? Yeah, that.). BF's been roller-coastering emotionally ever since because he's having a hard time finding another job, in spite of having a great resume and the support of the best recruiter in the city. I've been trying to be supportive and helpful, but the rapid ups and downs have left me a bit emotionally seasick.

In early June, my dad had another small stroke. While it wasn't in itself very debilitating, it was the final straw in a cumulative deterioration of his legs, so he can no longer stand without assistance. As of last week, he was moved into long term care. It's a great place, and was first on our list of choices (we had 4 hours to tour and select a list of 3; I'm boggled that we managed it) so that part is wonderful! He's currently on the floor with people who have cognitive impairment (he doesn't), so he's finding that difficult. Mom is also feeling overwhelmed by it all, and probably fairly guilty, knowing her. I've been the one making sure all the paperwork is in order and that she gets to where she needs to be, so she can meet with whomever she's supposed to meet with, at the time appointed for said meeting, so she can sign all the documents that need signing. With summer holidays taking people away from work, it's been a new person, place, and document every day for the last week. Think "herding an anxious cat". She's so wound up over it all that she's not remembering things very well, either. I tell her that today it's Colonel Mustard in the library with a wrench, and then spend the next couple of hours reminding her that it's not Professor Plum; no, it's in the library; not a knife, a wrench. Rinse and repeat. And repeat. And repeat. It's exhausting.

I'm finally seeing a therapist. He's a great guy, and my BF is paying for it in spite of his own money problems. I feel kinda bad about that, but I think he would have been hurt if I'd refused. It's one of a very few ways that he feels he can help (there are more, but he doesn't view them as helpful, even though they are) and refusing to let him wouldn't have been a good thing. There's enough left for 3 more sessions, which seem to be helping.

BF saw the therapist himself for a single session a couple of weeks ago to see if he could get help with his job search (tl;dr: no). Apparently, however, he said he was interested in couples counseling. Surprise! I have a feeling (which I hope is wrong) that he's thinking he'll point out all the things that aren't working, and between he and the therapist they'll be able to chart a course for me to improve things. Except that the vast majority of "things" are either out of my control, currently impossible, or largely imaginary (he can "what-if" himself nearly to hysterics at the drop of a hat, totally untainted by facts). I'm pretty sure he'll be caught off guard if the therapist suggests ways that he can improve things. While I'm sure there are things I can do better, the most worrying part is that he has a history of not staying at anything (home, job, relationship) for more than a few years. We just celebrated our 5th anniversary last month. I'm afraid this might be his version of an exit strategy. Y'know, the best indication of future behaviour is past behaviour? Like that. Again, nothing I can do, but still a lurking presence amidst all the rest.

In happy news, as of this morning, 49 X-Mice have gained their freedom in the great outdoors. Some reluctantly, some curiously, and some with an exuberant bound! Even happier, many don't smell bad, so they're females, and for the last 3 months all of them have been adults. This bodes well for the breeding situation. I.e. they aren't. It also implies that I've successfully corralled the availability of food, so they're more likely to walk into a trap for subsequent eviction relocation.


So, that's been my summer thus far. With the BF out of town until next week, and Dad settled (mostly) into the new place, I'm taking the weekend for myself to do absolutely nothing. It's going to be wonderful! :D


MVP, Forum Supporter
That sounds like a fantastic thing to do for your weekend, Mudpuppy! Good for you! And awesome to hear an update on your X-Mice! 😂 hahahaha.

Awesome that you've been having the support from your therapist. I feel like maybe I'm hearing it in something about your kinda... general demeanour toward yourself? I feel like maybe I'm hearing more notes of self-love, self-acceptance, self-valuing, self-approval there? Some kind of aura of strength and faith that you'll somehow or other get through what comes...? Whatever it is I'm sensing, I like it, and you deserve recognition for the good care you've been taking of yourself as well as the capable handling of some more aging and stressed-out-parent stuff and various things. 😊😊 Awesome work!

Hmm, so I'm hoping that with your therapist you feel comfy and a sense of safety and trust, in the event of some sort of possible weird moment that might happen with BF? On the other hand, I suppose perhaps BF might get a chance to hear some feedback that he might need to hear, for the first time in a setting where he might try not to overreact or something, and might take it on board to some degree and go forward with it.... perhaps even choose to do some work on himself? Hmm. Either way, a good therapy relationship can be a very good, supportive relationship to hang onto for a while, (sometimes indefinitely for a lot of people), and I hope that if you felt you'd like to continue with it at some pace or other, you've got some kind of option where you can do so?

Really nice to hear from you and to hear you doing so well handling some more stuff. :)


I think I've hit the motherload of X-Mice. Five more out today. That makes 8 in two days. At this rate, I'll be down to nearly nothing by winter. Yeah! C'mon no-more-jars-over-winter!!

Thank you for the support MHJo. I've been trying very hard to keep me included in the mix, on the "you can't pour from an empty cup" theory. I guess it's working! :eek:mg: I've been using some of the links you suggested, and they're helping a lot. Thank you.

I suppose I should be happy that he's willing to work on the relationship instead of just fading away into the outer darkness. This is a good sign. I also know that a whole lot of his frustration is due to circumstances with his job. He can't do anything about the employment situation, but maybe he can "fix" me. He does tend to do that when other things get out of control. Or, y'know, something else entirely that'll come out of left field because I've not been paying attention. :cool:

The therapist is a good guy. He's easy to talk to, but not easy to fake out (dammit....).


:star::star::star: :moon: :star::star:

I was hoping to find maybe some grass and tree emojis to represent the x-mice running free in nature, but there aren't any. So here they are under the stars frolicking with some ladybugs.

Hope all is going well with the therapist and everything else. And that you're enjoying a mouse jar-free home!

---------- Post Merged at 09:07 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 09:06 PM ----------

And guess what, I just found out we are allowed a maximum of 14 emojis per post!
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