More threads by Daniel E.

Daniel E.
“When you follow your bliss, and by bliss I mean the deep sense of being in it….you follow that, and doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors and…where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else…”

― Joseph Campbell

Daniel E.
"You don't take insults. You leave them with the insulter."

"Life isn't something you can give an answer to today. You should enjoy the process of waiting, the process of becoming what you are. There is nothing more delightful than planting flower seeds and not knowing what kind of flowers are going to come up."

― Milton H. Erickson

Daniel E.
"Suppose that while you are sleeping tonight and the entire house is quiet, a miracle happens. The miracle is that the problem which brought you here is solved. However, because you are sleeping, you don't know that the miracle has happened. So, when you wake up tomorrow morning, what will be different that will tell you that a miracle has happened and the problem which brought you here is solved?"

Steve de Shazer, Clues: investigating solutions in brief therapy

Daniel E.
"When clients search for causes it is useful to ask them how knowing
the cause will be helpful for them in solving their problem. They usually
say it will help them understand. The question, "If you could solve your
problem without understanding, would that be all right?" usually offers
another perspective that many clients have never considered."

~ Eve Lipchik, Beyond Technique in Solution-Focused Therapy

Daniel E.
"The development of consciousness is an integral part of our psychological growth. To become more conscious is to perceive, experience, and respond to the world from a deepened and more encompassing perspective. To regress is to go backwards and to undo or over-ride growth that has already occurred. To become more conscious, on the other hand, is to progress, to become more discerning and flexible in your interactions with the world. Because you see through new eyes and feel through a new heart, your problems are transformed. Self-destructive attachments lose their power and psychological issues are dissolved, releasing energy for new growth."

~ Andy Drymalski

Daniel E.
"I think the most common meme is that it’s too difficult to change. It’s too risky to change. My nature doesn’t allow me to change. When you’re thinking that, you’re not understanding what your nature is."

~ Wayne Dyer
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Daniel E.

Source: Solution Focused Therapy SOW6425 Professor Nan Van Den Bergh. - ppt download
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