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I am feeling very stressed and depresssed me and my ex-fiance broke up about 2 1/2 months ago i left him because we had a horrible relationship (he sees and thinks very differently about the relationship then the way I do) and he is calling me texting one minute he is sorry and he knows everything is his fault and the next day its all my fault and he says mean things to me and blames me for the whole relationship for falling apart and how i left him with nothing. I cant deal with him anymore.

I took everything because it belonged to me, all the furniture i bought my business that i started that we were doing together and he stole my business license I am now in the process of cancelling the license because i dont want him to try to use it behind my back he is a real jerk he will not give it back and there are so many other things.

I am so in debt I cant keep up with the payments on my credit cards loans I am so behind on everything tired of the phone calls and my ex-fiance does not want to help me with the debt we accumulated together he acts like he has no part in it. I have now retained an attorney and i am going to file for bankruptcy.

I am so ashamed and embarresed because i have to file i am so stuck in a rut sometimes i dont want to get out of bed to even go to work anymore.

Thank you all for listening,

Cali girl:(

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Sorry to hear about all the stress, Caligirl.

Getting a lawyer was wise. You may be able to recover the portion of the debt that was his that way.


Hi Caligirl,

Sorry to hear of your relationship ending. One of my good friends just went through this exact thing, in fact so much so that I had to read back on some of your posts to see if it was her. lol

I really don't think you have anything to be embarrassed about or ashamed of. You were in a relationship that didn't turn out well and you weren't and still aren't getting the support from your ex. Hindsight is 20/20 right. You went into the relationship with all good intentions, you didn't know it would end up this way and especially that you would be stuck with all the payments that you accumulated together.
I think if anything people would be more understanding of your situation because you did get stuck with all this debt without the help to pay it off.

I can understand how this would be so stressful and depressing.
Do you need to continue having contact with him? Maybe you could think about changing your number once your completely done with everything between the two. Especially if he's going to continue to play manipulative games with you.

I know that wasn't much help, I can relate through my friend and all she has been through. I'm sorry your in this position. If it's any consolation it took some time and some things are still a mess but my friend is getting her life back and I am sure you can too, may not feel like it right now but one step in front of the other,right...TC


Thank you all for your support and kind words. I am trying everyday to tell myself its going to get better, I am going to take it day by day thats all i can do.

Thank you,

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