delta sierra
What is the best arrangement for children when going through a separation? We have two children, ages 3 & 4 1/2, and both want to do the best for them. We both feel the separation will likely be temporary, but how do we create the least disruption for them? Would it be wise to take turns in the house, while the other is elsewhere? Should it be 1 week each, or a few days with me, and then a few with my wife?
Just looking for info here. My thought was that to take turns in the house, so the kids don't have to go somewhere different (since we both feel it will be temporary), would be the easiest. We both have other places we could go in the meantime. Also, we share one car, then, the one that has the kids/house, would have the car making that easy as well.
Just looking for ideas.
Just looking for info here. My thought was that to take turns in the house, so the kids don't have to go somewhere different (since we both feel it will be temporary), would be the easiest. We both have other places we could go in the meantime. Also, we share one car, then, the one that has the kids/house, would have the car making that easy as well.
Just looking for ideas.