More threads by ladylore


Resident Canuck
Your wish is granted - House built for you on stilts, in the ocean.

I wish to win the lottery
Your wish is granted -- until, of course, a lot of "relatives" come out of the woodwork with very convincing legal claims!

I wish I had a gorgeous bikini-worthy body. :p


Resident Canuck
Your wish is granted - Bikini's then become outlawed.

I wish to go on a nice vacation.

Daniel E.
Your wish is granted: You have an enjoyable time in Las Vegas, but, on your way home, you are detained because your name appears on a terrorist watch list. You spend the next few years at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, where you learn the true meaning of the term "humidity."

I wish Arnold Swarchenegger was my personal trainer.
Your wish is granted: after six months , you aquire a german accent and a wow
big muscle body, you go for a swagger on the beach, and come across a wow lady,with whom you fall totally helplessly in love , only to discover that she hates germans and only loves the ultra slim wiry types.(Back to the drawing board) :D

I wish there were two sundays and two saturdays in a seven day week.


Resident Canuck
Your wish is granted - now there are also three mondays in a week.

I wish to visit Arizona
Your wish is granted - now there are also three mondays in a week.:funny:

I wish to visit Arizona
Your wish is granted : you get to see the grand canyon, take the most amazing
original pics, put your camera in the picnic basket , a condor swoops down and steals the whole basket which also contains all your papers and money.

I wish the birds didn't eat all the cherries in the garden.


Resident Canuck
Your wish is granted - they leave you one cherry, but also eat the rest of the fruit in your garden.

I wish I had a pear tree :teehee:


Account Closed
Your wish is granted, you have a beautiful pear tree full of juicy pears in your garden. But, the bears are hungry at this time of year - they set up their new home in your backyard - all 20 of them - they're thanking you for those lovely pears. :)

I wish my hair wasn't so curly :)

(Who needs Guantanamo - I have humidity right here :) )


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Your wish is granted - you win the world's most effective, efficient hair straightener in a competition. Unfortunately, as soon as it is straight, you wish it was curly. Then straight. Then curly. You become consumed by your indecision between straight and curly hair and, eventually, it all falls out... :panic:

I wish a fairy with in-depth knowledge of the visual system would come and write my thesis for me one night.


Resident Canuck
Your wish is granted - The fairy writes it on desolvable paper and on your way to hand in your thesis, it rains. :(

I wish I had a pet Giraffe


Account Closed
Wish granted - Your giraffe is about 3 inches tall and came out of a McHappy meal.

I wish I had an entertainment centre.


Resident Canuck
Your wish is granted - You get a small stage for live entertainment in the centre of your living room.

I wish it would not rain again today.


Account Closed
Your wish is granted, it does not rain again today, instead, you get a freak snow storm that burries you under 5 feet of snow. :D

I wish I didn't have to work tonight. :(
Your wish is granted, you do not have to work tonight, however you leave your papers by an open window ready for the morning , a freak wind blows them all over town, and you spend all night gathering them up together, ( moral to the tale, close your windows tonight :) )

I wish I lived close to an icecream shop


Account Closed
:panic: That would really get me in trouble. :lol:

Which granted WP! An icecream shop opens just next door to you. It has this wonderful little bell that people love to ring, day and night. Aside for the incessant ringing of the bell, you also have to contend with the fact that the ice cream shop only serves soy ice cream - an unfortunate fad of the times...Yumm :yuck: :D


Account Closed
Oops. Thanks LL - I got too caught up in creating WP's ice cream shop. :lol:

I wish that I could sell my old car. :)


Resident Canuck
Your wish is granted - A long line up forms in your driveway to buy your car in parts. Get out your mechanics tools! First person wants the stearing wheel and the transmission :teehee:

I wish I could buy a new summer dress.


Account Closed
Your wish is granted. You find the most stunning summer dress and it's just within your budget. You wear it for the first time and you're glowing. Everywhere you go, everyone is staring at you in awe - it suits you perfectly and you feel absolutely beautiful in it.

But, when you get home, you realize that this stunning summer dress is also very much see through :panic:. :D

I wish there more hours in the evening to do the things I want to do. :)
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