More threads by ladylore


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner

Your wish is granted - you develop the talent to manipulate time so that each day has just the right amount of time for you to do everything you need to. Unfortunately, the ageing process is unchanged. So, after a couple of years of week-long days, you start looking very haggard and have to go into early retirement.

I wish I had nicer fingernails.


Account Closed
Your wish is granted Meg - you have georgeous fingernails. So much so that everywhere you go, you are stopped incessantly by passersby wanting to admire your hands - and they insist on holding that hand in their palms to admire the fingernails. They keep asking if they're real or acrylic...You stop taking care of them because you're tired of the attention and, they end up looking like this: :panic: :D

I wish I had beautiful long eyelashes. :) (blink, blink) (and they'd better not end up looking like your fingernails, I don't have that kind of time to braid them :lol:)


Account Closed
Your wish is granted. Tomorrow morning, you wake up to find out that you're living in the middle of an apple orchard. Wonderful, you have all the fresh apples you could possibly want. There are so many of them that your yard is littered with fallen apples. You can't keep up with the picking -there are too many of them and you only have two hands...But you're still grateful...That is, until you taste them - yuck, they're crab apples. The only thing you can do with these is make compotes or jam...And you better makes these quickly, otherwise you'll be surrounded by rotten apples.

How do you like them apples? :D

(Sorry - really didn't like my new eyelashes - they bear too much of a resemblence to a cocker spaniel's eyelashes - cute on them, not so much on me) :)

I wish I were a true athlete - trim fit etc.


Resident Canuck
That is, until you taste them - yuck, they're crab apples. The only thing you can do with these is make compotes or jam...And you better makes these quickly, otherwise you'll be surrounded by rotten apples.

How do you like them apples? :D

As awful as it sounds, I always quite liked crab apples :blush: I use to pick them off my aunts tree and eat them :blush: Maybe that is why I am so "crabby" :lol:


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Your wish is granted - your muscles suddenly 'pop' out in a way they never have before. Unfortunately they keep growing and growing to the point where you look a bit like an inflated Jazzey-balloon with your arms stuck out at right angles to your body. Eventually your muscles become so large you're not able to move to use them!

I wish the rain would stop. I know we're in drought so that's a bit of a selfish wish, but my backyard is starting to look like a swamp and my living room has buckets in it catching drips!


Resident Canuck
Your wish is granted Meg.

Your yard becomes water proof as well as your roof. Your lawn continues to grow, although it is green, it grows three feet while you are sleeping every night. You feel like you are living in a house in the jungle.

I wish more birds came to visit on the lawn by my balcony.


Resident Canuck
Well, low and behold, while you are having coffee. Special delivery arrives from Michelin Man.

I tried to make a picture so he was carrying them, but I am not as creative as White Page :)


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Account Closed
Your wish is granted - all these birds in your back yard nest at the same time. The eggs also hatch at the same time. So now you have a yard full of birds that circle you every time you come out of your house.

I wish I had some ice-cream.


Resident Canuck
Your wish is granted. You get the biggest icecream cone with 200 scoops of your favorite icecream. If you need help carrying it, let me know ;)

I wish the dishes would be self cleaning.


Account Closed
Your wish is granted - you are now the proud owner of a german shepard who cleans everything off your plate, and everyone elses, whether you want him to or not. :D

I wish I wasn't having one of those 'Duh' days.
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