More threads by ladylore


Account Closed
Wish granted NN, but when you take a big bite out of the burger, you discover that the inside of the burger is still frozen - yippers, a frozen product, again! :)

I wish I had a housekeeper....


Resident Canuck
Your wish is granted. Your housekeeper is the haggered old troll from The Three Billy Goats Gruff. He is grumpy, smelly and arogant. and insited you build a bridge through your living room as that is where he will only sleep.

I wish my tummy would feel better. :(


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Your wish is granted. Your tummy feels better, but only if you avoid all foods that aren't in the bottom level of the food pyramid... :(

I wish my exercises would do themselves. :angel:


Account Closed
Your wish is granted - your exercises do themselves, but they don't do so well and they purposely taunt you with the never ending chant "you should have done this yourself" :D

I wish I could lose body poundage before my trip today! :)
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